英语翻译一篇关于中国医疗改革的论文里的.Is China’s health system doing well?Existing published work has been mixed so far.还有Finally,the selection of indicators used in the coverage estimation is opportunistic and does not mirr

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 12:07:49

英语翻译一篇关于中国医疗改革的论文里的.Is China’s health system doing well?Existing published work has been mixed so far.还有Finally,the selection of indicators used in the coverage estimation is opportunistic and does not mirr
一篇关于中国医疗改革的论文里的.Is China’s health system doing well?Existing published work has been mixed so far.
还有Finally,the selection of indicators used in the coverage estimation is opportunistic and does not mirror the changing epidemiological profile of the Chinese population.No information exists on the coverage of interventions for most chronic diseases.Therefore,our measure of coverage is only the first step towards benchmarking performance and needs to be re-estimated once information about coverage of other important interventions becomes available.We have shown the urgent need for China to construct a more comprehensive nationally and regionally representative dataset (whether a cohort or repeated cross-sections) to be able to monitor and assess health policy changes properly.In particular,China needs to obtain information on non-personal,public-health interventions,such as seatbelt use and mental-health services.Future studies should also establish a more comprehensive understanding of the major underlying determinants of the health-system performance.

英语翻译一篇关于中国医疗改革的论文里的.Is China’s health system doing well?Existing published work has been mixed so far.还有Finally,the selection of indicators used in the coverage estimation is opportunistic and does not mirr
Finally,the selection of indicators used in the coverage estimation is opportunistic and does not mirror the changing epidemiological profile of the Chinese population.No information exists on the coverage of interventions for most chronic diseases.Therefore,our measure of coverage is only the first step towards benchmarking performance and needs to be re-estimated once information about coverage of other important interventions becomes available.
We have shown the urgent need for China to construct a more comprehensive nationally and regionally representative dataset (whether a cohort or repeated cross-sections) to be able to monitor and assess health policy changes properly.In particular,China needs to obtain information on non-personal,public-health interventions,such as seatbelt use and mental-health services.Future studies should also establish a more comprehensive understanding of the major underlying determinants of the health-system performance.
对於 coverage 这个词怎麼翻译,我就不再多说了.opportunistic - 你翻成"取巧性的",我觉得我翻成"有点胡闹",比较适当.你可以查字典中的英文解释,应可以看出这是一个批评人"乱整"而不用脏字眼的词.你把 health 译成卫生,我译成保健,各有千秋,都没错.不过 epidemiological 你译成"流行病学"我认为不妥,我觉得这篇文章是在讲流行病实例,而不是在课堂里教的"流行病学".
你对(whether a cohort or repeated cross-sections) 的翻译,我无法同意.
你可以查查字典,看看 cohort 的英文解释.这几个词,是不好译的,几乎要写一段短文以及
给几个比方,才能解释清楚.cohort 是说把一些有类似情况的人的资料,收集在一起,比如
说针对贵州贵阳的"吸烟的男士","吸烟的女士","不吸烟的男士","不吸烟的女士" 收集各类
群的平均寿命和健康情况就是一种 cohort study.repeated cross-sections 则可能是把贵州贵阳的人口,以20岁的,30岁的,...,到70,80岁分成多群,再来做抽烟,不抽烟,男,女和健康情况的资料收集与统计.在统计学里可能有很简洁的专业中文名词.我对统计学是外行,就只能用举例说明了.

英语翻译一篇关于中国医疗改革的论文里的.Is China’s health system doing well?Existing published work has been mixed so far.还有Finally,the selection of indicators used in the coverage estimation is opportunistic and does not mirr 关于医疗常识的一篇短文 英语翻译浅谈中国医疗保险改革摘要:中国医疗保险改革是随着中国加入世贸组织必然发生的改变,是不可逆转的趋势.经过几年的改革和建设,目前我国的医疗保障制度已经基本上实现了体制 关于“金融危机对中国的影响”的一篇论文… 求一篇3000字关于中国梦的论文 跪求以《全面认识中国的社会主义改革》(结合改革开放30年的成就)为题的论文一篇. 英语翻译在国外写关于中国问题的论文 高分拜求一篇1200字以上的论文,题目是《关于加尔文宗教改革》如题 球中国周边形势的论文一篇 毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 论文论文题材方面 以毛泽东思想为主导可以的讨论(一种就可以)医疗改革 食品安全 社会改革 教育改革 社会治安 民主法治 2000字左右 呜呜 英语翻译美国医改走到今天,仍然前路漫漫.可以肯定的是,医疗改革不仅会影响到美国未来数年的经济形势,是美国能否切实改善民生、走出经济困境的关键,同时也是影响中国乃至世界经济的 我国近十年医疗改革的主要成就有哪些 社会各界都在关注政府的医疗改革怎么英文翻译? 【英语】health care reform 是“医疗改革”的词组吗? 求一篇关于“红映中国,探寻历史的足迹”的论文,要求3000字啊~ 求一篇《西方经济学理论对我国市场化改革的指导作用》2000字论文一篇 求一篇关于中国春节习俗的小论文,3000字左右, 需要一篇英文论文,关于中国纺织业的转型之路,