You mustn't go out __school nights.a to b.with c.of d.on

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 17:48:05

You mustn't go out __school nights.a to b.with c.of d.on
You mustn't go out __school nights.a to b.with c.of d.on

You mustn't go out __school nights.a to b.with c.of d.on

You mustn't go out on school nights.变祈使句 You mustn't go out at night.You mustn't go out at night.(改为祈使句)( )( )( )at night. You mustn't go out __school nights.a to b.with c.of d.on You mustn't go out __school nights.a to b.with c.of d.on May I go out to play No you ______A.mustn't B.couldn't C needn't D.shouldn't You mustn't go away from me, you mustn't take the maganzines out of the library.保持句意不变_ _ the maganzines out of the librar Don't go out alone at night.You ____ go with your friends if you have to.A.needn't B.couldC.may D.mustn't must we go out right now?回答是:no, you____A mustn't B shouldn't C may you D don't have to You mustn’t go fishing in a__________ (protect) area you mustn't go today,oh,I mustn't__________you mustn't go todayoh,I mustn't,_________A mustn't IB must IC should't IC should I can you repair the bike no ,l _ may not mustn't don't can't you mustn't go todayoh,I mustn't,_________A mustn't IB must IC should't IC should I 英文题天空_ _ seven in _ _.Excuse me,Jack._ the _.please?Let_have_look.Oh!_four o'clock thank you_ _.改变成祈使句You must come here.Please go there(not)You mustn't write on it.You will sit there. you shouldn't go out at night Mum,may i go out to play ? -No,you ( ) .you must finish your homework first如何回答A.may not B.mustn't C.couldn't D.needn't参考答案选B,我觉得有问题 do you mustn't go across the road when the light is red?怎么翻译?为什么要用mustn't? May I go out to play now,mom?,you mustn't,you needn't,you may not为什么?相关的还有什么知识点?C 为什么不好呢?