先前输入的时候里面有错误,这个改正之后的,In summary,this research shows that low-density-only zoning has historic ands current connections with racial exclusion.When local governments adopt zoning ordinances or building permit caps,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 17:51:18

先前输入的时候里面有错误,这个改正之后的,In summary,this research shows that low-density-only zoning has historic ands current connections with racial exclusion.When local governments adopt zoning ordinances or building permit caps,
In summary,this research shows that low-density-only zoning has historic ands current connections with racial exclusion.When local governments adopt zoning ordinances or building permit caps,they directly influence the use of land and the pace of development.They also indirectly control who may live within their boundaries.Because land use controls have only an indirect effect on a place's eventual residents,however,legal challenges to exclusionary land use controls seldom succeed.Even the most successful lawsuits usually result in court orders to allow construction of particular affordable housing projects,not in comprehensive programs to rewrite communities' zoning ordinances.
Although local legal challenges offer little hope for comprehensive solutions to exclusionary zoning,other approaches may gain legitimacy in the future.Myron Orfidld's(1997)Metropolitics relates that in Minneapolis,inner cities and inner suburbs have begun to forge a consensus for a state fair-housing policy.Similar coalitions may be possible in other metropolitan areas.Beyond ethnic and economic exclusion,low-density-only zoning exacerbates 'sprawl',which in turn can require huge investments in new infrastructure,produce more nonpoint source air and water pollution,and further fragment wildlife habitat.All these effects present opportunities for coalition building to promote inclusive housing.

先前输入的时候里面有错误,这个改正之后的,In summary,this research shows that low-density-only zoning has historic ands current connections with racial exclusion.When local governments adopt zoning ordinances or building permit caps,
调查显示,低人口密度的单种族分区制不论从历史角度还是从现代角度来看,都与种族排外有所关联.一旦当地政府采取了分区制或者在城市内设立了不同区域,他们就直接影响到了城市土地的使用以及城市的发展速度.他们同时也间接的决定了城市附近居住人口的类型.由于对土地使用的控制仅仅会间接的影响到土地上到最终居住人群,因此法律上对于 具有排他性的土地使用 的管制往往难以奏效.即使是在这方面管制最为严格的法律也通过了在城市内建设特殊建筑项目规定,而并没有全面的修改城市分区制度.
尽管地方性法规能够全面的改观 排他性的分区制 的可能性很小,但是在未来其他一些措施或许可以取得法律效力.Myron Orfidld陈述在明尼阿波利斯市中心以及郊区中心建立国有平价住房的新政策.该项政策可能或许也可以适用于其他大城市.出去种族方面以及经济差距方面的排外之外,低人口密度的单种族分区制正在蔓延,这将反过来需要更多的基础设施投资,进而造成非固定地点的空气以及水质污染,最终影响到附近的生态.所有的这些负面影响将为建设合并住房带来机遇.