many teenagers love the book _____(write)by Mark Twain(题目)答案是writen,为什么不用were writen?(重点)如果回答清楚的话还可加悬赏分(注)

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 07:00:42

many teenagers love the book _____(write)by Mark Twain(题目)答案是writen,为什么不用were writen?(重点)如果回答清楚的话还可加悬赏分(注)
many teenagers love the book _____(write)by Mark Twain(题目)
答案是writen,为什么不用were writen?(重点)

many teenagers love the book _____(write)by Mark Twain(题目)答案是writen,为什么不用were writen?(重点)如果回答清楚的话还可加悬赏分(注)
Many teenagers love the book是主句
the book that were written by Mark Twain
the book written by Mark Twain

呵呵,填written是相当于一个省略的定语从句,原来的句子应该是the book which/that was written by Mark Twain.在英语中,定语从句可以根据规则省略,如果像本句这样book和write之间是被动的,就把which/that was省略掉,用write的过去分词形式。如果是主动的关系,就用ing形式,例如Do you know the woman stan...


呵呵,填written是相当于一个省略的定语从句,原来的句子应该是the book which/that was written by Mark Twain.在英语中,定语从句可以根据规则省略,如果像本句这样book和write之间是被动的,就把which/that was省略掉,用write的过去分词形式。如果是主动的关系,就用ing形式,例如Do you know the woman standing behind the counter?原句是Do you know the woman who is standing behind the counter?,这里的 woman和stand是主动关系,所用省略了who is之后,就应该用ing形式standing.



written by Mark Twain 是个过去分词短语,修饰the book; 如果用was written ,那就要用定语了,就要这么写:the book which was written by Mark Twain.

相当于many teenagers love the book (which was ) written by Mark Twain.
整句是定语从句,which was 可以省略,但不能只省略which.所以是written.

many teenagers love the book _____(write)by Mark Twain
如果象你说的那样用were written,那么后半句就是the book _were written____(write)by Mark Twain 这是一个完整的句子,那和前半句的many teenagers love the book 就象矛盾了,因为一个句号里面是不可能...


many teenagers love the book _____(write)by Mark Twain
如果象你说的那样用were written,那么后半句就是the book _were written____(write)by Mark Twain 这是一个完整的句子,那和前半句的many teenagers love the book 就象矛盾了,因为一个句号里面是不可能有两个完整的句子,两个主语的


The concert given by their friends was a success.他们朋友举行的音乐会大为成功.

many teenagers think their many ads are aimed------(special) at teenagers. Many teenagers have an u____ diet. Many teenagers have hobbies.课文翻译 I love your that teenagers什么意思 teenagers 英语的完形填空 尽快 完形填空If you go to a fast food restaurant ,you will probably see a lot of teenagers .Today,many teenagers are very fat because optheir bad___1___habits.Most teenagers love food that has a lot of fat ,oil,salt ,and s 英语翻译If you go to a fast food restaurant,you will probably see a lot of teenagers.Today,many teenagers are overweight,and some of this is because of their bad eating habits.Most teenagers love food with a lot of fat,oil,salt,and sugar.People o many advertisements are a__________ specifically at teenagers 填什么? Many teenagers study hard.是属于什么句型的? I have many of the same interests as other teenagers. Many ads __________________ specifically at teenagers in the modern world.Many ads __________________ specifically at teenagers in the modernworld.(aim) many teenagers love the book _____(write)by Mark Twain(题目)答案是writen,为什么不用were writen?(重点)如果回答清楚的话还可加悬赏分(注) 英语翻译If you go to a fast food restaurant,you will probably see a lot of teenagers.Today,many teenagersare overweight,and some of this is because of their bad eating habits .Most teenagers love food witha lot of fat,oil,salt,and sugar.People of Many ads are aimed specificaly at teenagers.为什么这里ad要用被动语态?为什么不能直接写成many ads aim specificaly at teenagers? love many girls equal don't love how many i love you make love way?how,many