帮我把下面的改错看一下,括号里为可能有错的地方,并且怎么改,有详细的理由最好1.The market for (manufactured goods) is (which) economist call “imperfect”,because each company has its own style; and all of the arts of

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 11:46:22

帮我把下面的改错看一下,括号里为可能有错的地方,并且怎么改,有详细的理由最好1.The market for (manufactured goods) is (which) economist call “imperfect”,because each company has its own style; and all of the arts of
1.The market for (manufactured goods) is (which) economist call “imperfect”,because each company has its own style; and all of the arts of the advertisement and salesmanship (are devoted to) making it even more imperfect (by attracting) buyers to particular brand names.
2.However,it is not just (the large number of) sugar in modern chocolate (that explains) its success.If (this were the case),other products (containing sugar) would have the same effect on us.
3.We (think of) an unhealthy meal (served in excess packaging) to modern citizens who regard food as fuel (rather than) as something (to enjoy it)..
4.There was no hope (left),the only felling was hunger,(and the only emotion) was the fear of (lost innocence) as I realized there could be (not escape) from my first oyster.
5.Had she affirmed our intelligence first and (spoken about) the joy of thinking for ourselves,had she (not fanned our fear of her),we (would all have learned) even more powerfully (what meant) to do our own thinking.

帮我把下面的改错看一下,括号里为可能有错的地方,并且怎么改,有详细的理由最好1.The market for (manufactured goods) is (which) economist call “imperfect”,because each company has its own style; and all of the arts of
1.The market for (manufactured goods) is (which---what做表语从句的引导词,后面句子缺少call的宾语用what) economist call “imperfect”,because each company has its own style; and all of the arts of the advertisement and salesmanship (are devoted to) making it even more imperfect (by attracting) buyers to particular brand names.
2.However,it is not just (the large number of----the large amount of 因为sugar不可数吧) sugar in modern chocolate (that explains) its success.If (this were the case---was你要单复数搭配),other products (containing sugar) would have the same effect on us.
3.We (think of) an unhealthy meal (served in excess packaging) to modern citizens who regard food as fuel (rather than) as----是不是把as去掉呀 something (to enjoy it---to enjoy 不加it,因为做sth的后置定语,和sth有逻辑上的动宾关系,因此sth就是宾语不用再加宾语it了)..
4.There was no hope (left),the only felling was hunger,(and the only emotion) was the fear of (lost innocence---losing innocence做of介词的宾语应用动名词) as I realized there could be (not escape----no escape要是这一空在be之前就可用not,但这在be之后就得把escape当名词看,修饰名词用形容词no) from my first oyster.
5.Had she affirmed our intelligence first and (spoken about) the joy of thinking for ourselves,had she (not fanned our fear of her--应该把not放在she之前吧),we (would all have learned) even more powerfully (what meant---what had meant是不是宾语从句的时态要根据主句时态变化呢?to do our own thinking.(这是一个虚拟过去的句子,且条件句用了倒装省略,即省略了if……,你应该在看下原句要表达什么意思,看看条件句哪句要否定,感觉怪怪的)