求一篇关于voluntary work(志愿工作)的英语文章,l英语口语考试,阅读一篇文章,自己写的没那么好.两三分钟就够了.帮我找一篇,可以复制粘贴,给个链接或网站也可以.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 17:18:05

求一篇关于voluntary work(志愿工作)的英语文章,l英语口语考试,阅读一篇文章,自己写的没那么好.两三分钟就够了.帮我找一篇,可以复制粘贴,给个链接或网站也可以.
求一篇关于voluntary work(志愿工作)的英语文章,l

求一篇关于voluntary work(志愿工作)的英语文章,l英语口语考试,阅读一篇文章,自己写的没那么好.两三分钟就够了.帮我找一篇,可以复制粘贴,给个链接或网站也可以.
Are You Ready To Be A Volunteer ?
There is a new trend that an increasing number of college students are willing to work as volunteers in their spare time . Take my university for instance , many of my classmates have the experience of being volunteers.
Dialectically speaking , everything has its both sides . Voluntary work can be beneficial to our society and make our own lives colorful and meaningful to a certain extent , which is also a perfect way for college students to grow up mentally . Honestly , some universities and colleges have a special item of regulation that one should accomplish certain hours’ voluntary work before he graduates , so some lazy students are forced to do it for the sake of getting their certificates , my university included . At the same time , the word “ volunteers” loses its real meaning.
Personally speaking , I hold the view that it is not what you have done but what you are willing to do deep down that count . I have once worked as a guide in the Dalian Station , helping passengers to find the entrances and exits and checking tickets when necessary . I treat it as my pleasure , broadening my view ,making friends and receiving thanks , so why not ? I’m planning to organize my own “ Voluntary Group “ this year .We will appear where the notices “ VOLUNTEERS WANTED “ are posted.

求The Voluntary Work that I Perfer to Do作文 求一篇关于voluntary work(志愿工作)的英语文章,l英语口语考试,阅读一篇文章,自己写的没那么好.两三分钟就够了.帮我找一篇,可以复制粘贴,给个链接或网站也可以. 求一篇关于my home work 的作文 voluntary work for the youth olympic in nanjing 什么意思 what voluntary work do you want to do why? Why people do voluntary work?请用英文回答 写一篇 Voluntary Work Around Me 作文 写得有加分.在线等.写一篇 Voluntary Work Around Me 作文 不少于80词的短文.写得好追分,我在线等,在今晚7点前截止.麻烦大家帮帮忙.太长了,要100词够了。我是初 求一篇my work experience的英语作文最好关于装修工 或 厨房帮工 的 Is it necessary for high school students to do voluntary work?作文求作文,近年来,高中生志愿者热悄然兴起.请你发表自己的看法:Is it necessary for high school students to do voluntary work?利:1.锻炼了能力,学习了与 做一些志愿工作翻译是do some voluntary work还是do some volunteer work 为什么志愿者工作用的是volunteer work而不是voluntary work? It is meaningful for us students to do some voluntary work同义句It is meaningful —— —— students do some voluntary work. 英语翻译Voluntary workthree teenagers offered to do some voluntary work during the school holidays .They wrote the following reports.I did some voluntary work in a children's hospital.The children there all suffer from serious illness.We organize 到底是 Voluntary Work 还是volunteer work如果是volunteer work的话 为什么名词可以修饰名词 做义工是volunteering work还是 volunteer work还是Voluntary Work,还要告诉我这三者的差别,谢谢! 求一篇Hard work and success This_______ work takes them several hours a week.是填voluntary还是volunteer? Voluntary work这篇课文mp3上海出版社八年级下学期英语教材unit1的课文