
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 18:28:25

你拒绝融入,那么你就要承受双重的孤独,外在的内在的,所以你更孤独.而融入,那是一辈子都不会快乐的旅程,你踏着陆地是那样的轻飘飘,你感受不到你的存在,你还是孤独,无处安放的孤独 .

Most of the time,no matter how prosperous and noisy the world is,I just feel like I'm alone on a deserted island.On these ocassions,I carry such great loneliness,and yet not one city can hold it.The city despice loneliness more and more.It doesn't grant you the permission,nor the time to feel lonely.It makes you shameful for being lonely.It urges you to get involved with the noisy sea and relationship current that is the world.It wants you to be just like the others,getting ashore and walking along the same road which is endless in sight.
You refuse to be involved.Then you're burdened with two kinds of loneliness,the exterior and the interior,so that you feel even more lonely.But being involved is the beginning of a life that is doomed to be unhappy.The land beneath you is so unreal that you fail to feel your own existence.You are still lonely and the loneliness is still homeless.

Most of the time, the world busy noisy again , I am just a person as if place oneself island, at this moment I'm so lonely but not a city it was laid. This city is more and more disdain alone, it does...


Most of the time, the world busy noisy again , I am just a person as if place oneself island, at this moment I'm so lonely but not a city it was laid. This city is more and more disdain alone, it does not allow you alone it doesn't give you the time alone, it makes you feel lonely is shameful, it will make you into outside the hustle and bustle of the flood of love sea, it is you and others, ashore, go the same way, one can see at the end of the road.You refuse to blend in, then you have to bear the loneliness of double, external inner, so you more lonely. And into, that is never happy journey, you tread the land is so light and you feel your presence, you still alone, loneliness is placed.


Most of the time, the world is busy and noisy, I have just one person like an island, then I so lonely but not a placed its city. The city is becoming more and more disdain alone, it does not allow yo...


Most of the time, the world is busy and noisy, I have just one person like an island, then I so lonely but not a placed its city. The city is becoming more and more disdain alone, it does not allow you alone it doesn't give you the time of loneliness, it gives you the feeling of loneliness is a shame, it will let you into the noise outside the sea love torrent, it to you and others, go, walk the same road, a look at the end of the road. You refuse into, then you have to bear a double loneliness, external internal, so you more lonely. Into, it is never a happy journey, you follow the land is so light, you don't feel you there, you are lonely, no place of solitude.


英语翻译很多时候,这个世界再繁华再喧闹,我都只是一个人仿佛置身孤岛,这时我那么孤独但却没有一座安放它的城市.这个城市越来越鄙弃孤独,它不允许你孤独它不给你时间孤独,它让你觉得 喧闹繁华的意思 喧闹繁华是什么意思 英语翻译既然这个世界背叛了我,那么就不要再怪我背叛这个世界 歌词“这个世界越来越繁华,我却找不到地方玩耍.”, 喧闹繁华和芬芳四溢是什么意思?拜托了各位 谢谢 这个世界可不可以再没有坏人? 我讨厌这个世界!英语翻译 请问这是哪首歌的歌词“窗外的世界繁华喧闹的夜…… 月儿阴晴圆缺……” 为什么这个世界有很多奇怪的东西 为什么我对再繁华的城市也没有归属感? 再繁华的盛景,看过了也就错过了. 英语翻译:这个世界不是只有你 这个世界真有读心术吗...英语翻译 英语翻译求这个世界毁灭我. 英语翻译她离开了这个世界 英语翻译《夏洛的网》这部经典儿童文学作品蕴含了丰富的人生哲理,描写了一个在一年中发生的故事.农场的四季,如人生四个阶段,悲欢尽在其中,最后,繁华和喧闹终于收场,悲剧和戏剧都已过 英语翻译在开始今天的报告之前,我想问问大家.你喜欢上海吗?你去过上海吗?上海给你留下了怎样的印象?你眼中的上海是怎样的?繁华的?国际化的?生活节奏快的?还是竞争激烈的?喧闹的?嘈杂