几个英语句子的问题?大神帮忙讲解下,BEC教材原文,这个没有上下文的.It's great because usually it means my wife can use the one at home and even take mine away at weekend .use the one at home and even take mine away 这个是

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 12:50:48

几个英语句子的问题?大神帮忙讲解下,BEC教材原文,这个没有上下文的.It's great because usually it means my wife can use the one at home and even take mine away at weekend .use the one at home and even take mine away 这个是
It's great because usually it means my wife can use the one at home and even take mine away at weekend .
use the one at home and even take mine away 这个是什么意思?
It's actually the law now so they had to let me have it . It was only two weeks,butat least I had time to help my wife out . Mind you , after all the late nighes and crying I was really happy to get back to work for a while and have a rest !
I had time to help my wife out 这个是什么意思?Mind you 什么意思?

几个英语句子的问题?大神帮忙讲解下,BEC教材原文,这个没有上下文的.It's great because usually it means my wife can use the one at home and even take mine away at weekend .use the one at home and even take mine away 这个是
第一句,the one是外国人经常用来表达xxx东西的简略说法,没有上下文无法翻译具体什么东西,但是也可以不做翻译,只翻译句子意思.
另外the one 和 mine可能会产生歧义,the one和mine所指的东西是两个东西,太太一个,我一个;还是都只一个?

第二句,我有时间来帮助我太太,help out就是帮助的意思
Mind you,听着;注意;当心;提醒,这里作提醒的意思,如果觉得翻译不通可以忽略.

几个英语句子的问题?大神帮忙讲解下,BEC教材原文,这个没有上下文的.It's great because usually it means my wife can use the one at home and even take mine away at weekend .use the one at home and even take mine away 这个是 电子电路问题 电容,电感它们的相位有什么作用?具体帮忙讲解下电子电路 帮忙讲解下英语中 分词独立主格结构 这一知识点.高手请言简意赅,通俗易懂的讲解下啊.谢绝复制粘贴~ 这是什么菌,能吃么.知道的大神给讲解下. 求大神帮忙这几句英语句子的中文意思是什么? 求大神做几个英语的完成句子 dota沉默的几个技能什么意思啊讲解下 物理作业不会了,求大神帮忙!帮忙简单讲解下,谢谢题号:1 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案) 本题分数:5内容:在双缝干涉实验中,两缝间距为d,双缝与屏幕的距离为D(D>>d 谁能帮我详细的讲解下工件移的问题? 求大神做几个英语完成句子 if you wear jeans,we won't let you in 帮忙讲解下这个句子 有英语高手吗几个单词求帮忙造几个句子!arriveddelayedremovedbecameenteredstartedconnectedrefused简单一点的句子! 大神能不能在线给我讲解下 英语的问题来解答一下吧谢谢了,大神帮忙啊问一下be going to 和 will 的区别在哪里 用几个英语单词造3个句子,求大神帮忙 学霸帮忙翻译几个英语句子 求大神帮忙讲英语音标一定给赞, 几道定积分问题如下面的图,请帮忙解下