
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 09:28:46


政治动机:political intention
政治监督:political supervision
政治冷漠:political desenpathy

政治动机:plitiical motive
some inner drive, impulse, intention, etc. that cause a person to do something or act in a certain way, incentive; goal
"Gore denies political motive on Elian
By Susa...


政治动机:plitiical motive
some inner drive, impulse, intention, etc. that cause a person to do something or act in a certain way, incentive; goal
"Gore denies political motive on Elian
By Susan Page, USA Today
2.政治监督:political supervision
watching, keeping a check
"Both in pre-revolutionary Russia and in the Soviet period, the head of state traditionally has been the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. Today the President of Russia is also authorized to head the Armed Forces. In peacetime, the head of state exercises general political supervision of the Armed Forces, while in wartime he oversees the defense of the state and its Armed Forces in warding off agression. The President's powers as Commander in Chief are determined in the federal law "On Defense" (Articles 4 and 13).
3政治冷漠political indiference
lack of concern or interest in politics
"An alternative understanding of political participation: challenging the myth of political indifference in Hong Kong."


Correct Answer:
政治动机:political motivation
政治监督:political supervision
政治冷漠:political apartness

1.political motive
2.a)political checks;
b) keep a check on politics 两者意思不同,见第三条
3.如果要表达人们对政治不感兴趣,不可以用political 加名词aparthy/indifference towards politics