求flight attendant 的歌词

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 19:55:55

求flight attendant 的歌词
求flight attendant 的歌词

求flight attendant 的歌词
Lyrics to Flight Attendant :
When I was a little baby
A mama's boy,no one could save me
From those kids at school
They would bully,they would tease
They would taunt me,haunt me
"You're such a pretty boy"
Fear,I grew up so scared
The bible belt,redneck lifestyle
One day I'll fly free,in the airplanes
"Where's my seat?" "Where's my champagne?"
"I'm such a pretty boy"
Heaven knows the lengths I go
To please them everyday
They don't even notice when I'm down
"Such a pretty boy"
Hotels were closed
And the airport was clean
I was stranded alone
In my southwest dream
Hotels were closed
And the airport was clean
I was stranded alone
In my southwest dream

求flight attendant 的歌词 flight attendant是什么意思 what does the flight attendant offer them 的意思 receptionist是什么意思最好还有‘company director’‘flight attendant’‘supervisor’‘engineer’‘salesperson’‘security guard’和‘word processor’的意思!最好还有‘company director’‘flight attendant’‘supervis “空姐”英文怎么说?flight attendant可以是男的也可以指女的,对么? 空姐用英语怎么说?flight attendant 是什么意思? Mei San is a flight attendant .(对画线部分提问)划线部分是 a flight attendant I decided that the best way to do this was to become a flight attendant.这里的“was to become a flight attendant.”为什么用to do形式?还有 be doing与be to do怎么区分? 空中乘务员是我一直想从事的职业.a flight attendant is all i have()()()() I'm a trainee for flight attendant.翻译 Sally is too flighty to be a flight attendant..两个flight(y)? 今天刚学,不太懂The girl has () a flight attendant for three yearsA:become B:grown C:been D:got我选的是A And i thought that the best way to do this was to become a flight attendant.求分析And i thought that the best way to do this was to become a flight attendant. 求分析一下句子结构,还有为什么要用TO BECOME i would like to be an english teacher instead of a flight attendant 同义句 a flight attendant has to be able to size the passengers up 中的“SIZE UP she has been a flight attendant for tow years.就for tow years.提问 When I was a young girl,aII ever wanted to do was travel,and I decided to do this was to become a接上面的句子 flight attendant.怎么翻译阿 food counter attendant的中文意思是什么