请解释这句话中的of的用法.A good deal of physical capital remained; and of the roads, railways and factories that had been destroyed, much could be quickly rebuilt.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 19:19:36

请解释这句话中的of的用法.A good deal of physical capital remained; and of the roads, railways and factories that had been destroyed, much could be quickly rebuilt.
A good deal of physical capital remained; and of the roads, railways and factories that had been destroyed, much could be quickly rebuilt.

请解释这句话中的of的用法.A good deal of physical capital remained; and of the roads, railways and factories that had been destroyed, much could be quickly rebuilt.
A good deal of physical capital remained; and of the roads, railways and factories that had been destroyed, much could be quickly rebuilt.
1,第一个of:可以说它是一个固定的搭配,a good deal of 表示"许多,大量",这一个短语只能修饰不可数名词,即后面的宾语只是不可数名词.还有的,如a lot of /a large number of /lots of /a large quantity of /等等,都是of 的固定搭配,是一定要记住的.
2,第二个of:of the roads, railways and factories,表示"在这些公路,铁路和工厂中",这个of的意思是"在……中/在……里面",后面的that had been destroyed是一个定语丛句,修饰前面的名词roads, railways and factories.
of 表示"在……中"的意思,它组成的短语一般放在句子的前面,如,Of all students ,she is the first to arrive at school."在所有的学生中,她是第一个到校的."

a lot of
a number of
a great deal of

much of the roads,railways and factories could be ...

请解释这句话中的of的用法.A good deal of physical capital remained; and of the roads, railways and factories that had been destroyed, much could be quickly rebuilt. These clothes are of good quality 这句话中的of是什么用法 ★这句话中的of是什么用法★Though the factory is small,its products are of very good quality. 英语中的单复用法“The Chinese are a good people”这句话中的“are与“a”怎么理解 这句话用法是否恰当?Recently, an increasing number of citizens embark on concerning over the issue of“TV:is it good?”这句话是我作文的第一句话,其中的embark on用法是否恰当?望说明,还有the issue of“TV:is it good? 帮我解释下这句话中STILL的用法Because the Internet is so unique in the history of the world----and still a relatively new phenomenon ----several widespread myths about it have surfaced. 解释下STILL在这句话中的用法为什么是做 解释一句句子,thus的用法?A society is thus made up of people from all walks of life.这句话我懂.就是这里为什么用thus?thus究竟有哪些用法?最好每种用法能有例句.谢谢 a friend of mine 请详细解释双重所有格的用法 这句话用法是否恰当?望告知,谢谢Recently, an increasing number of citizens embark on concerning over the issue of“TV:is it good?”这句话是我作文的第一句话,其中的embark on用法是否恰当?望说明,还有the issue of“ Neither的用法:有没有neither of 的用法?----Neither of these two hats looks good on my daughter.这句话有没有问题? 麻烦解释下这个英语的用法“Mr Black has a boy of ten.”中的a boy of ten.有这个用法的吗? 请解释下这句法语il fait beaucoup de vent解释下这句话的语序和de的用法 What a day full of activity!这句话中的full of activity是什么用法,在句中充当什么成分? 关于good和goods用法问题When they choose to spend an extra dollar on one of these goods, they have one less dollar to spend on some other good这句话里good用单复数是不是因为these goods里的these是复数,而some other good中的som 高一英语短语quite a few ,quite a little ,a great deal,a large quantity of ,a lot of ,a large number of ,a plenty of ,a good amount of 请写出各自的用法 请问这句话What’s the good of…?的意思,请举例 解释这句话,wish you have a good time! 这句话中like啥意思Grain coupons were a way to control the consumption of rice and the like in a country when there wasn't enough to go around.回答要求:1.请解释此处like的用法2.请讲一下此处go around的意思