高中英语作文:should we be tolerant to others?

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高中英语作文:should we be tolerant to others?
高中英语作文:should we be tolerant to others?

高中英语作文:should we be tolerant to others?
sure,we should.
1.so,we can get a nice relationship and communication with the others.
2.it's a kind of personalities which we should cultivate.
and so on.

Should treasure, engraves on mind; Should forget that forever no longer will think; Should forgive, as soon as smiles. ?? In human's life must certainly treasure ten kind of people: ?? 1st, meets your...


Should treasure, engraves on mind; Should forget that forever no longer will think; Should forgive, as soon as smiles. ?? In human's life must certainly treasure ten kind of people: ?? 1st, meets your true love the human, must strive for with him to accompany the life diligently the opportunity. When if he departs, then all are late. ?? 2nd, when runs into friend who may believe that must well and he is together. In person's life, can meet the knowledge already is really not easy. ?? 3rd, when meets in the life the honored person, remembers must feel grateful well. He is your life turning point. ?? 4th, when runs into had loved human, must smile is expressing gratitude to him. He is lets you understand loves human. ?? 5th, when runs into had hated human, must smile is greeting to him. Is he only then lets you be stronger. ?? 6th, when human who met had betrayed you, must chat well with him. If not for he, you will not understand this world today. ?? 7th, when runs into human who once you secretly liked, must wish him to be happy. Because you like his time, hopes his happiness and joyful. ?? 8th, when human who met once had the misunderstanding with you, must take advantage that now Xie Qing misunderstands. Otherwise you possibly on the opportunity which, only then this time explained. ?? 9th, when runs into human who leaves your life in a hurry, must thank him to pass through your life. He is a part which you recall splendidly. ?? 10th, meets when now and you accompany the life the person, wants the percentage hundred places to thank him to love you. Because you obtained now happy and love really. ?? The life short and time heartlessness is our forever pain. What however lets us distressed is, are many, we had put behind treasures tolerantly with. In limited life, what we fill is burning with anger the hatred, what our moral nature stays behind remembers with eternal gratitude the grief. Therefore consumes the life all day long in light of this in the hatred, perishes in the grief, but when you suddenly look back, you actually discovered that the time had already carried off your youth, your health, even all. ?? Perhaps by now you were expecting the time may come again, such you might treasure many once the thing which is neglected by you, simultaneously you might also forgive the thing which let you take to heart. Like this your life only then no longer leaves leeway regretted. ?? Actually during the life needs to have a tolerant heart, even if is treasures, that is also the tolerant one kind. Tolerant can grant love many things, only then facing life in many questions, love only will then be tolerantly delightful, tolerant will be the love essence. ???? In the world has many people always to wait for others' intolerance, not only actually the tolerant beneficiary by forgiving, is forgiven others was equal to that liberates itself. Certainly in the life also has more things to wait for we treasure, treasure have now, then you are also are treasuring the life the wealth.


An abiding dilemma for Humanists who are in the “ecumenical” position of working closely with people of all faiths, is how patient and understanding we need to be in our relationships with the rest of...


An abiding dilemma for Humanists who are in the “ecumenical” position of working closely with people of all faiths, is how patient and understanding we need to be in our relationships with the rest of the world. There is the especially perplexing dilemma of how tolerant to be of other’s intolerance. An old and reliable admonition that flashes in my head like neon, simply states: Do not alienate those whom you might persuade!
Those of us who are working toward a goal with other dedicated activists, are often in the position of censoring our own comments so as not to blow away our colleagues. We understand so very well that the only way that this old world is ever going to improve at all, is through cooperation and respect among those of all beliefs, cultures, and traditions, so simply out of respect for these differences, we may find ourselves limiting our own exercise of free speech. I say to myself: Try not to criticize! Be constructive! You know, the old…don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater routine. Do the Mommy-thing: encourage others to become aware and involved in the project or activity at hand. This is all well and good for the shared goal…up to a point!
But what can we say or do about those practices and beliefs that are completely beyond comprehension? How long to ignore or look away, or bite your tongue, and wish that you didn’t have to know or feel this shame or anger. How can we contain our anger at those who refuse to acknowledge and respond to whatever “emergency” we may be dealing with. I picture some of us bailing frantically in our sinking ship, while some of our fellow passengers are outright denying that the water’s even rising, and treat our concern with contempt, while still others feel there’s no need for them to worry because god will save them. Yet we can’t simply write-off those whose beliefs clearly endanger us; we share our sinking lifeboat with them! Not only will they not bail, some are even shooting more holes in the boat!
No wonder we get frantic and impatient! They’ve got to come to their senses! How can we get them to come around to the logic of our way of thinking? How can we get them to recognize the real danger that we’re in, instead of their mistaken constructs of how to deal with world problems? How can we persuade the powerful to relinquish a portion of their power? How can we intervene to stop the inhumane militarized mentality that prevails on this Earth? How to stop bullying, hatred, murder, torture, ignorance, greed? Then how to stop fear and hunger and homelessness?
Our expectations that those in power will recognize their errors and set about correcting the horrible mistakes that they’ve set in motion are continually dashed in disappointment. What a shock it can be to learn that those whose opinions you might once have valued, no longer meet your standards or your expectations. You can shrug off the stupidity of a stranger, but what an extra shock when a member of the clan or the club fails you. That really angers you; how could they be so stupid? Perhaps it’s human nature for us to expect those closest to us to think and behave “normally” as we do; they, of all people in the whole world, should know better!
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the several Humanist Manifestos say it all! What more is there to ask than respect for all human beings and life on Earth? So then we’re back to the issue of needing to respect our differences: a principle which is essential to our own integrity and our own code of ethics.
We feel the urgency for making changes, but this heavy responsibility is indeed fraught with complex dilemmas. When shall we be courageous and uncompromising? When shall we be patient and conciliatory? Speak-up! Shut-up! The ideals of freedom of speech and democratic participation are precious and need to be fostered and protected, but unless they get a lot of exercise, they’re going to get flabby. We will no longer be able to protect these freedoms.
Those of you who recognize this syndrome of self-censorship may remember that in your first declarations of independent thinking you drew negative responses, even shock or derision from more traditional relatives or co-workers. You gathered courage over a period of time to begin to articulate the logic of your point of view more persuasively, and perhaps learned that some even agreed with you in your Humanistic values. And what a joy it is to connect with like-minded truth-seekers! To find others who reject the so-called authority that is thrust upon us, and who acknowledge that the universe is indifferent to us and that it is up to us humans, ourselves, to create our own purpose and our own peace!
In the arrogance of my youth, I had pasted onto my old typewriter these marching orders: Words that might help to create Peace on Earth are trapped inside this machine! Get them out!


Of course we should be tolerant to others!Tolerance is mainly known as a willingness to accept others and their beliefs, even if you don’t necessarily agree with them. That’s why tolerance is often us...


Of course we should be tolerant to others!Tolerance is mainly known as a willingness to accept others and their beliefs, even if you don’t necessarily agree with them. That’s why tolerance is often used to in terms of religion (“I don’t agree with his beliefs, but I’m tolerant of them.”) but I like to think of it more broadly.However,what is the tips that can help you be more tolerant of others?
First, listen carefully without jumping to conclusions.It’s really easy to blow someone off as soon as they strike up a conversation with you—almost like you’re mentally rolling your eyes even though you’re nodding politely. For once, listen to what they’re saying—really listen-. Don’t be put off by their appearance or the fact that someone else told you they’re a little weird. Listen to them, at least for awhile—we all want to be heard.
Next,try to understand the other person’s point of view.Now that you’re listening to someone, resist the urge to totally discount what they’re saying because it sounds “funny” or “weird” to you. If you’re not totally sure the about point they’re trying to make, ask them questions. Try to understand what they’re telling you—maybe they aren’t getting their point across as clearly as they think they are.
Last,agree to disagree.You might not agree with the person and their beliefs or opinions, and that’s okay. We’re all different. That definitely doesn’t mean you have to become best buddies and switch over to their way of thinking, but once you accept that it’s okay to “agree to disagree” it should be a lot easier to have discussions with people.
As a conclusion,becoming more tolerant of others will allow you to get out of your comfort zone and possibly expand your social circle. You might realize that you really enjoy someone’s company—someone that you would have avoided if you hadn’t tried to listen to them and understand them.
