英语作文,改改.Elderly teacher and young teacher With the development of society,teachers play an important role in society.Some students may like elderly teachers` reaching because they think elderly teachers have more teching experience and th

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 08:24:02

英语作文,改改.Elderly teacher and young teacher With the development of society,teachers play an important role in society.Some students may like elderly teachers` reaching because they think elderly teachers have more teching experience and th
Elderly teacher and young teacher
With the development of society,teachers play an important role in society.
Some students may like elderly teachers` reaching because they think elderly teachers have more teching experience and that they tend to be patient and careful with explanations.
However,I prefer to be tanght by young teachers.Firstly,we students have much in common with them,so they are our friends as well as our teachers.Secondly,they are more energetic and enthusastic.Usually they can make their classes lively and interesting.Besides,they are more ready to accept or create new ideas,including teaching.Thirdly,most young teachers devote themselves to their work,making them teach creatively and effectivelly.
In a word,I prefer young teachers to elderly teachers.

英语作文,改改.Elderly teacher and young teacher With the development of society,teachers play an important role in society.Some students may like elderly teachers` reaching because they think elderly teachers have more teching experience and th
Elderly teacher(s) and young teacher(s)
With the [development of society](social development),teachers play an important role in society.
Some students may like elderly teachers(') [reaching] because they think elderly teachers have more [teching](teaching) experience(s) and [that they] tend to be patient and careful with explanations (given to the students).
However,I prefer to be tanght by young teachers.Firstly,we students have much in common with them,so they are our friends as well as our teachers.Secondly,they are more energetic and enthusastic.Usually they can make their classes lively and interesting.Besides,they are more ready to accept or create new ideas (than elderly teachers),including teaching (techniques).Thirdly,most young teachers devote themselves to their work,making them teach creatively and [effectivelly](effectively).
In a word,I prefer young teachers to elderly teachers.
[] 有问题的部分,可能是需要改写,或拼写问题.
() 实际改动的地方.

第二行,最好改成teachers are playing ...
第四行teaching 后面的that去了最好
第二段第一行应该是prefer being taught
have much缺宾语(其实也能勉强通顺,最好加个similarities
第二行把 as ...


第二行,最好改成teachers are playing ...
第四行teaching 后面的that去了最好
第二段第一行应该是prefer being taught
have much缺宾语(其实也能勉强通顺,最好加个similarities
第二行把 as well as改成and吧,有种生搬硬套的感觉
倒数第四行 accept和create之间改and
倒数第三行,teaching idea
倒数第二行 teaching


prefer to be改成being
make them改成themselves

英语作文,改改.Elderly teacher and young teacher With the development of society,teachers play an important role in society.Some students may like elderly teachers` reaching because they think elderly teachers have more teching experience and th 谁能帮我改改英语作文?.. 英语作文How to help the elderly people live better . 英语改错,谁能改改! 英语改错,谁能改改! 英语改错谁给改改! 帮我改改英语选择题 英语作文自我介绍,帮忙改改有没有语法错误和需要添加的内容 我作文不太好,希望大家看看给打个分,帮我改改As for elderly,living in caring house is better than living at home with young children.Present your argument to illustrate whether you agree or disagree.There is a growing tendency that m Help for elderly people为题写篇作文! 英语作文,如有Baby,Child,Teen,Adult,The elderly这几个阶段你会选哪个,为什么?字数100左右 以Should We Help the Elderly为题英语作文简述老人摔倒没人敢扶的情景与原因以及自己的见解 老人用英语怎么说the oldthe eldthe elderthe elderly可以用哪几种?还有old older eld elder elderly有什么区别? Young teachers or elderly teachers,which do you prefer 英语作文老教师青年教师教学耐心;讲解细致;经验丰富精力充沛;教学活泼;勇于创新你的观点?注意:1,词数120左右,;2,短文必须包含表格的全部内容.要 呼唤大侠,帮忙改改英语作文一篇300词左右的英语作文,帮忙改改语法上的错误,部分句子用的网上的翻译器,错误太多的话,还望见谅.分数神马的可以再商量有意者留邮箱,俺给你把作文发过去 帮小弟写一篇介绍朋友英语作文最好有中文有以下几点:1,Name:Zhang Li 2,Basic information;15years old,live in Beijing 3,Favourite subject:English 4,InterestDrawing,camping ,enjoying birds'singing 5,Dream;TO be an areist or a teac 英语里表示“老年人”有多少种the old,the elderly,the elder 小弟初学英语特别是作文不太好 请各位大虾帮我改改作文以后小弟一个礼拜这时候写一篇,主要帮我改改语法3Q这是一篇关于有关学生是否应该带手手机上学的文章写给报社编辑Dear Editor:with t