分析下面的句子,One of the main challenges in the design of a gradual type system is to give a flexible type compatibility relation,which is an extension of subtyping and used for assignments and argument passing其中 which 指的什么?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 15:49:21

分析下面的句子,One of the main challenges in the design of a gradual type system is to give a flexible type compatibility relation,which is an extension of subtyping and used for assignments and argument passing其中 which 指的什么?
One of the main challenges in the design of a gradual type system is to give a flexible type compatibility relation,which is an extension of subtyping and used for assignments and argument passing
其中 which 指的什么?
used for 指的是assignments,还是 assignments and argument passing.

分析下面的句子,One of the main challenges in the design of a gradual type system is to give a flexible type compatibility relation,which is an extension of subtyping and used for assignments and argument passing其中 which 指的什么?
which指前一句中的a…relation,used for指assignments…passing.句子结构不难分析,平时多看一些英语阅读,做一些语法改错,注重理解句意,这些都可以帮你提高分析句子的能力.祝你早日成功

which is an extension of subtyping and used for assignments and argument passing是定语从句修饰a flexible type compatibility relation,which指代的就是a flexible type compatibility relation。
used for 指的是assignments and argument passing。

填单词,补充下面的句子Tea is one of the most b( ) in the world. 语法:句子成份分析帮我分析一下下面几个句子的句子成份,越详细越好:One must endorse a cheque before one cashes it.Tomas received a warning for speeding.She gave a roar of pain. One of the characters went back to the past and changed things.句子结构分析One of the characters went back to the past and changed things.这句话中的“of the characters”是不是of引导的名词所有格啊? 分析结构 分析下面10句句子的结构和成分~1.A surgeon is a special kind of doctor who operates on sick people 2.She works at a service centre for the disabled people3.I did not know that he was one of the best-known film-makers4.The youn 请大虾们帮忙分析下面句子的语法结构,TKSVitamin D was mainly rely on two channels, one is to obtain from food, and the other one is on the adoption of solar ultraviolet radiation in human skin synthesis of vitamin D3 下面这句话的句子分析we disliked the materialistic name so much that we felt nervous passing it and kept an eye on it as one might watch a dangerous dog on the other side of the road as one goes by 下面这句话的句子分析we disliked the materialistic name so much that we felt nervous passing it and kept an eye on it as one might watch a dangerous dog on the other side of the road as one goes by 分析下面的句子,One of the main challenges in the design of a gradual type system is to give a flexible type compatibility relation,which is an extension of subtyping and used for assignments and argument passing其中 which 指的什么? It is one of the most important meals of the day.分析一下句子结构.(要完整) epithiospecifier protein是什么东东?下面是这个词所在的句子.For example,in the seeds of Brassica napus and other members of the Brassicaceae,a protein promoting the formation of one class of nitriles has been described Called the epithi The head of one of the biggest movie conpanies in the United States predicted that no one want to see actors talk.句子结构分析 请分析下面句子的成分,主谓宾等,the three researchersasked 26 volunteers to decide whether to buy a series of products such as a boxof chocolates or a DVD of the television show that were flashed on a computerscreen one after another. 分析句子结构:是短文中的一句话,讲的是沙滩.It is the feeling of sand under one's feet,of cool wind and salt water on one's skin,a nd of the warm wun on one's back that make the seaside what it is.It is the feeling of sand under one's 麻烦帮我分析下下面这句英语句子的结构.What illustrates in the picture does reflect the reality that most of school children nowadays have no less than one after-school courses.这里的What illustrates in the picture是不是充当 请帮忙分析下面句子的结构a group of students gathered in front of the administration building to demand divestiture. 求下面的长难句分析The anthropological concept of culture like the concept of set in mathematics,is an abstract concept which makes possible immense amounts of concrete research and understanding.请分析一下句子结构...为什么pos 翻译下面的句子: (请不要用翻译软件)Although China is one of the largest producers of ekectric bicycles in the world,the number of the producers who make electric bicyckes in a large scale is small. 帮我分析一下下面这句英语的句子结构 谢谢了!拜托各位大神josiah henson is but one name on a long list of courageous men and women who together forged the Underground Railroad,a secret web of escape routes and safe houses that t