
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 20:28:24


Hi,I am Dave,a college student and now I will describe for you a typical day of mine.
Usually I get up at 7 o'clock sharp and spend 10 mins washing my face and brushing my teeth.Then I watch TV news till twenty to eight.I begin my morning self studing with others at ten to eight and I usually choose to study English.At half past eight,we begin our first class and finish all four morning classes at twelve and have lunch.Usually I can finish my lunch before half past twelve,then surf on the Internet, listen to music and take a nap.At half past thirteen,we begin our fifth class and finish all afternoon classes at seventeen.Then we go for dinner and embrace our exciting evening.At college,all kinds of activities are ready for you but I prefer to surf on Internet at dormitory in most cases.At twenty three,I go to bed.See! Let us call it a day.
需要解释的是 准时 这里不要译为on time,最后的一句 译为我那样 比较合适.