A tiger_____(have)four strong legs用所给动词的适当形式填空

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 06:48:52

A tiger_____(have)four strong legs用所给动词的适当形式填空
A tiger_____(have)four strong legs

A tiger_____(have)four strong legs用所给动词的适当形式填空




A tiger_____(have)four strong legs用所给动词的适当形式填空 you have a lot fo lessons a day 是什么意思 can I have a cup fo tea?yes,_____a.here it isb.here you arec.you are hered.give you a promise fo这句英语是什么意思 I'm so lucky fo have you 是什么意思? Holiday is coming.It is time to have a long time relax.Our class is going on a school trip for fo This was one of the best eating experiences that I have had in a long time.Five stars for great fo 英语翻译我爸爸过去经常熬夜my father ________ stay up我们在花的海洋中拍照we had our photos taken ______ flowers一只老虎昨天从动物园逃走了a tiger_____ the zoo yesterday Being nice fo Someone gou Dislike doesnt mean goure a Fake if means goure Mature enough fo Toler...Being nice fo Someone gou Dislike doesnt mean goure a Fake if means goure Mature enough fo Tolerate gour dislike fo wards 括号里填神马?Is the washing machine I have uesed fo括号里填神马?Is the washing machine I have uesed for a long time worth _(fix)? ought to pray for I ,I have found,real love that I ,I have fo A boy can do every thing fo girl there is a lot fo butterflies in my stomach? In a particular branch fo learning?怎么翻译? enjoy your mea l a cala fo me (1)To remember everything is difficult fo me (改为同义句) I()()()to remember everything(1)To remember everything is difficult fo me (改为同义句)I()()()to remember everything 2.I hope to have a good time on time vacation 改 He__there fo twenty years since hecame to this town.a.has worked b.worked c.work d.have worked为什么不选a,主语是第三人称谓语动词该用has吧? 选哪个,请给出原因.A.Thinking B.To be viewed C.Viewed D.Considering__________as one fo the most talented artist in European history,Van Gogh couldn't have sold a single work without his brother's assistance.