翻译一句话,英译中 具体看补充There is a vast difference between putting your nose in other people's business and putting your heart in other people's problems. 最好能做到 信 达 雅

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/27 12:42:03

翻译一句话,英译中 具体看补充There is a vast difference between putting your nose in other people's business and putting your heart in other people's problems. 最好能做到 信 达 雅
翻译一句话,英译中 具体看补充
There is a vast difference between putting your nose in other people's business and putting your heart in other people's problems. 最好能做到 信 达 雅

翻译一句话,英译中 具体看补充There is a vast difference between putting your nose in other people's business and putting your heart in other people's problems. 最好能做到 信 达 雅

翻译一句话,英译中 具体看补充There is a vast difference between putting your nose in other people's business and putting your heart in other people's problems. 最好能做到 信 达 雅 具体看问题补充. 福尔摩斯的一句话,具体看问题补充:证据 交叉 福尔摩斯,是这几个关键字,福尔摩斯说过这一句话,大意是说:任何一个人犯下罪,不可能没有留下,事情总会出现什么交叉之类的.我记得不太清, 英语句法翻译问题补充: 问题补充: 第一句。长句,看翻译看不懂 she looked about her helplessly and pointed out that there were so many boys辽宁完形中的一句话,我实在无法理解,翻译为:她无奈的向四周看了看.为何说her helplessly 麻烦翻译一句话,He set his story in France because there were private detectives there . 帮我想顺一句话,具体看问题补充我是开影楼的 现在有一句话 转不过来 各位帮帮忙. (十一月全新改版柳州摄影文化的全新概念,全新推出(桂林、北海、河池)之旅行婚纱. 在里面加一 新编大学英语3Career planning里的一句话,看着感觉好别扭,求解释、翻译Sociologists say that there are few changes in careers that involve downward movement; most involve the traditional business of getting ahead. 汉译英,具体题目看补充说明(1)试穿 (2)两双新足球靴 直角三角形中正方形的问题,具体看图: 补充图片 不允许使用三角函数知识解答. 把句子补充具体 一句话具体回答 There ________a black -board and four.pictures ________the wall.补充句子并翻译整句 求翻译一句话:There are a lot of shops on the other side of this street. 翻译一句话 There is only one database so duplication is avoided. 翻译一句话:What would be a good hotel for me to stay at there in Shenyang? 请帮我翻译一句话:Please buy some salt because there is little left. 翻译 一句话 there are twice as many third graders as fourth graders