the resturant did hit my spot.此处的did是什么作用?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 20:43:53

the resturant did hit my spot.此处的did是什么作用?
the resturant did hit my spot.

the resturant did hit my spot.此处的did是什么作用?


the resturant did hit my spot.此处的did是什么作用? 英语翻译I did not eat any turkey for Thanksgiving.just went to a Cantonese resturant for dinner.How do you know Thanskgiving .it is not a Chinese you must read it from the news?where your relative live in the US?I Live in LA.I have 4 Hi,Linda.Did you hear about the incident of vioenHi,Linda.Did you hear about the incident of vioence at the train station in Kunming?完成对话 Yesterday I went to have dinner in the resturant,and the waiter(brought)me the wrong food.考的知识点 My mother ( )a waitress in the resturant.Her job is to ( )the customers.填serve的适当形式 Hi,where did you find your PC? It was in the museum ____ we saw many treasures. ) 17.-- How did he finish the work -- I hear that he did it the own B.on the own C.of hi) 17.-- How did he finish the work -- I hear that he did it the own B.on the own C.of his own D.on his own( ) 18.Do you write a report wild animals da 填空,补全对话 A:Hi ,Maria Did you go to the concert last night B:Yes,I went there () my填空,补全对话A:Hi ,Maria Did you go to the concert last night B:Yes,I went there () my classmates .A:How did you () it B:Wonderful .Many famous singers I have had dinner with mu friends in the resturant when the crime happened.A.have B.had C.was having D.have had选哪个?为什么? _____(walk) along the street,and you'll find the resturant on you left.空格处答案为:walk为什么要用walk而不用walking呢? [初三]一道英语选择题!-Hi!everyone .you all study hard everyday.But who studies the hardest?-Li Hua __________A、is B、doesC、studiesD、did选哪一个,为什么? 求翻译:Hi what size did you send to me?I want to make sure if you send the right size pls.Repl The meal in this resturant were____ what was charged for themA worth B worthy of 为什么B 不可以 be worthy of N it's just a short distance from here to the resturant 的句子成分解释一下哪个是主语哪个是宾语== (读一读,补全对话)(每格一词)A:Hi,John.B:Hi,Eric.A:Did you[ ] about the news about Tim?B:[ ] [ ] to him?A:His house was on fire last night.B:Was he OK?A:Yes,he and his family[ ] fine.[ ] the house was on fire,he was sleeping.His mother[ ] hi 英语翻译Daming:Hi!Tony!Hi Lingling!What did you think of the film about Zhan Tianyou on the television last night?Tony:I didn't see it.Who is Zhan Tianyou?Lingling:He's a national hero.Tony:What does he do?Daming:You mean.,what did he do?He was Hi, Hi