
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 22:02:08

This chapter of "innovative drug" R & D chain,as the background,analyze the various stages of drug development and corporate risk management strategy can cope with.The life cycle of new drug R & D projects can be divided into four phases:(1) early screening of drug candidates,including the creation and optimization of lead compounds,in vitro and in vivo pharmacodynamic efficacy model model,the market potential evaluation; (2) pre-clinical studies,including pharmacology,toxicology,pharmacy and microbiology studies,etc.; (3) clinical trials,including safety,efficacy,pharmacokinetics studies,etc.; (4) listing and marketing surveillance.The causes of the risk of new drug R & D projects are complex and require each of these new drug R & D process in each stage of analysis,looking at that stage of uncertainty factors that may be encountered as well as the factors,the probability and the degree of influence on the R & D projects,and adopt coping strategies targeted to enhance the effective control of risk,thereby reducing the transfer and dispersion of the risk of new drug R & D projects to improve the success rate of new drug R & D projects to enhance the competitiveness of pharmaceutical companies.

Using "innovative drug" R & D chain as background,this chapter aim to analyze the risks in the different stages of new drugs development and the strategies that can cope with in corporate management.The life cycle of new drug R & D projects can be divided into four phases:(1) early screening of drugs,including the creation and optimization of lead compounds,in vitro and in vivo pharmacodynamic efficacy model model,the market potential evaluation; (2) pre-clinical studies,including pharmacology,toxicology,pharmacy and microbiology studies,etc.; (3) clinical trials,including safety,efficacy,pharmacokinetics studies,etc.; (4) listing and marketing control.The causes of the risk of new drug R & D projects are complex and analysis are needed for each of these new drug R & D process in each stage,in order to look for any uncertain factors that may be encountered in that stage,as well as the probability of these factors,and the degree of influence on the R & D projects.Strategies are adopted to enhance the effective control of risk,thereby reducing the transfer and dispersion of the risk of new drug R & D projects to improve the success rate of new drug R & D projects and enhance the competitiveness of pharmaceutical companies.

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