last month our output of car had risen by 这句话是错的 应该是last month our output of car rose by但是为什么这个行 两个都意味着i had gona much before i caught them为什么不能用过去完成时 last month our output of car

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 11:29:24

last month our output of car had risen by 这句话是错的 应该是last month our output of car rose by但是为什么这个行 两个都意味着i had gona much before i caught them为什么不能用过去完成时 last month our output of car
last month our output of car had risen by 这句话是错的 应该是
last month our output of car rose by
但是为什么这个行 两个都意味着
i had gona much before i caught them
为什么不能用过去完成时 last month our output of car had risen by

last month our output of car had risen by 这句话是错的 应该是last month our output of car rose by但是为什么这个行 两个都意味着i had gona much before i caught them为什么不能用过去完成时 last month our output of car
last month是具体的过去的某个时间,其对应的动词应该是过去式.had risen是过去完成时形式.过去完成时是过去的过去发生的事,在这里显然不适用.
i had got much before i caught them 我在捉到它们之前已经有很多了.(原句gona拼写有误,我改为got了.)
I caught them 用的一般过去时,意指是过去某个时间发生的.而i got much发生在i caught them之前,即过去的某个时间之前,所以用had got 是get的过去完成时形式.

完成时都不能和一个具体的时间状语连用,last month 是一个具体的时间,只用于过去时。

完成时不能同表示一个点的过去时间状语同用,如:不能说 i have/had brushed my teeth yesterday. 表示一个点的过去时间状语只能同一般过去时同用。完成时需要一个时间段(for two days),而一般过去时需要是一个时间点 (last month)。

our sales were down last month. Mr Brow left our hometown last month改为同义句 Mr Brow --- ---- --- from our hometown ---- --- mont Last month we asked our students about their free time activities.翻译成中文 I want to do our utmost in the last month 准确的中文翻译! Compare with last year,our pay has increase--------- about ¥500 every month用by还是to Last month,everyone in our class played a part ____ planting B.planted Our school has a long history,it celebrated its _____(eighty)birthady last month. we were busy ___ready for our exam last month A getting B to get 英语翻译last month. last month 中文? Mr Brown left our hometown last month.(改为同意句)Mr Brown ______ ______ ______ from our hometown ______ ______ month. 外教写的 last month our car had risen by 就是这句话 last month our car had risen by 怎么我看到有其他单单过去的句子 也能用但又的同学说 因为是 last month 所以直接用过去 last month our car rose那过去式的 上个月我们参加了学校的校运会.(We ___ ____ ____ a sports meeting in our school last month.) last month our car had risen 他是过去完成时 但过去时间点 不是直接用过去式就行了吗 last month our output of car had risen by 这句话是错的 应该是last month our output of car rose by但是为什么这个行 两个都意味着i had gona much before i caught them为什么不能用过去完成时 last month our output of car I had a holiday last month last month划线提问 the last month是什么意思呀 last month of fall是什么意思