bucureti,romania 在哪

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bucureti,romania 在哪
bucureti,romania 在哪

bucureti,romania 在哪
罗马尼亚首都和政治、经济、文化、交通中心.布加勒斯特,在罗马尼亚语中音为“布库尔什蒂”,Bucureşti意为“欢乐之城”(“布库尔”是欢乐的意思).相传在13世纪,有一个名叫布库尔的牧羊人从边远山区赶着羊群来到登博维察河边,发现这里水草肥美,气候温和,因而定居下来.此后,来此定居的人逐渐增多,商业贸易也日益兴隆,这块定居地逐渐发展成为城镇.如今,在登博维查河畔还兀立着一座以牧羊人名字命名的蘑菇形塔顶的小教堂.  布加勒斯特是罗马尼亚第一大城市.位于瓦拉几亚平原中部,多瑙河支流登博维察河畔.市区面积605平方千米,人口约 219 万.登博维察河穿城而过,将城市分为几乎相等的两半.属温带大陆性气候,冬季寒冷,夏季暖热,四季分明.

bucureti,romania 在哪 Rome 跟 Romania的关系 with the aim of ,aiming at 在句中的区别?This measure was closely tied to a 25 billion dollars aid package agreed with IMF,(aiming at reduce)(with the aim of reducing) ballooning budget deficit of Romania.请问括号里面的两个在 请问这句英语句子对不对Grandma emigrated from Romania in 1923,the same year as grandpa immigrated to America.后半句用as可以吗 英语翻译Robert Bigman,formerly chief information security officer for the CIA,says that Russia,Bulgaria,Romania and Ukraine deserve to join China on cybercrime’s most-wanted list.翻译这句话. 英语翻译During the period after 1989,Romania faced more and more to public debt accumulation as a new matter of macroeconomic policy,in contrast to other Central and East-European countries such as Bulgaria,Czech Republic,Hungary or Poland.While 麻烦看一下这个句子,我这样分析对吗》?Near Târgovişte they abandoned the helicopter,having been ordered to land by the army,which by that time had restricted flying in Romania's air space.“having been ordered to land by the 英语翻译It is remarkable to see that Romania has also begun to demonstrate the correlation between election cycles and the accumulation of public debt.We can observe on the presented graphs the jumps occurred in the electoral years,in 1992 and in 有关分切机的问题我是卖分切机的,刚收到一份外国邮件里面有一句话:What is very important for us is a flexografic station for printing in line up to one colour,because in Romania the clients want to write on the back side o 在哪, 爱疯四在哪在哪? 琅琊山琅琊山琅琊山琅琊山琅琊山琅琊山琅琊山琅琊山琅琊山琅琊山琅琊山在哪琅琊山琅琊山琅琊山琅琊山琅琊山琅琊山琅琊山琅琊山琅琊山琅琊山琅琊山琅琊山琅琊山琅琊山 在哪? 尼罗河在哪?亚马逊河在哪阿尔卑斯山在哪? 朝鲜在哪,朝鲜在哪朝鲜在哪 鄱阳湖在哪?玄武湖在哪?南湖在哪? 人在哪.活在哪.心在哪. 人在哪.活在哪.心在哪. 岱宗在哪敬亭山在哪钟山在哪