麻烦帮忙分析下面句子的语法When you look ahead,you think you have more time than you need.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 08:44:49

麻烦帮忙分析下面句子的语法When you look ahead,you think you have more time than you need.
When you look ahead,you think you have more time than you need.

麻烦帮忙分析下面句子的语法When you look ahead,you think you have more time than you need.

When you look ahead是时间状语从句,意为:“当你朝前看的时候”,后面那句是主句:“你会觉得你有比实际需要的更多的时间”



麻烦帮忙分析下面句子的语法When you look ahead,you think you have more time than you need. 麻烦帮忙分析下这两个句子语法,:1、We do this when it is clear from the situation what is going to happen.2、Circle the figure that you think are correct. Jack used to look nervous when scolded. 请帮忙分析一下这句话的语法 语法 请分析下下面句子中括号中的在句子中所作的成分 请帮忙发分析一下这句话中句子的结构和成分,用到了哪些语法?when we encounter some difficulties or failures ,we should be confident and try our best to overcome them以及两个句子的时态 帮忙分析一下这个句子的语法结构吧that is all there is to it Write a T if the sentence is true.请帮忙分析下这个句子的语法 语法分析:麻烦看下这个句子,帮忙分析下语法.What do you think is special about this girl?这个句子是不是倒装了 ,原型是什么样子 . I have advised her when the bags will arrive.这个句子后面为什么用will arrive 而不是arrive(虚拟语气我是在看虚拟语气语法讲解的时候看到的,不理解,麻烦大家帮忙讲解一下!不胜感激! 麻烦帮忙分析下句子的语法,1.Now,i have enough money to buy that piece of land i`ve had my eye on and build a house on it.2.i suppose i`ve put it off long engough.我的语法很差,麻烦大家帮我分析详细一些, 麻烦帮忙分析下语法 It is being repaired by a friend of my麻烦帮忙分析下语法It is being repaired by a friend of my father's 前面的being 外语学习 This is right the right way he speaks English.麻烦帮忙分析一下这句句子语法结构看看有没有错误.如果没有,那么说说这里的两个right是怎么回事?文明交流, When she saw him go, she went as well.请帮忙分析一下这个句子的语法成分,不需要翻译!谢谢!另外saw him go,为什么go用了原形? 请帮忙分析下面句子中的When引导的是什么从句,最好详细点.英文底子薄.It takes courage to talk to others on the team when that might expose your owm ignorance . 下册 when 引导的句子 语法, 麻烦大家分析一下这个句子的结构,帮忙解答一下这道题 麻烦帮我分析一下这个句子的语法结构This is as good an example as the other is.这个句子是什么语法结构呢? 语法举例以前语文中的副词,介词,形容词没学好,导致现在学英语语法很困难,麻烦大家帮忙举用几句话来分析这几种语法,用在句子中分析较容易理解,