Is speaking loudly in public places rude?英语作文,一百五十个单词

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 20:13:57

Is speaking loudly in public places rude?英语作文,一百五十个单词
Is speaking loudly in public places rude?英语作文,一百五十个单词

Is speaking loudly in public places rude?英语作文,一百五十个单词
作文如下:Is speaking loudly in public places rude?
Nowadays we had a hot debate about whether it is rude to speak loudly in public places.Different people had different opinions.As for me, I think it is quite unpolite to speak or talk loudly in such kinds of places.I've got two reasons below.
First of all,speaking or talking loudly could influence other people.For example,people studying in a library would feel bored or angry with your gossips.Even they did not say,they dissatisfied with you within their heart.That's not so good whatever you talk about.
Second,it can be seen as a rude manner when speaking so loudly.Because as tradition is,we all treat people with kindness without disturbing others or trying to be different.All we need do is behave well and not talk too much.
Above all,I treat people who speak or talk loudly in public places as rudeness.We should be more polite than ever.

Is speaking loudly in public places rude?
adkjajkv afjalkgja, lajgyuyak khaifdkh kaahfkah, ajdfhyakjfyhi. jgafya . viayhfiafia. juaifyi.amkfhak!
wrmg afk,kaghiskafk oiunma joiaoug okocxhla .aofoakf,kafhka.ajfg,afjkagfhaufgu.kavyia,aifyahigy.ajfkagh,afhkaa lkouao, afolafu ouaf ooafuoa adfuai,zadolkajf.


Zhang Daixu: There are lots of cultural differences between different peoples. In many Western countries, it is rude to make noises when eating noodles. But in Japan, it is not. Westerners do not like to speak loudly in public places, but in China, people like it. It’s hard to say who is right.

Is speaking loudly in public places rude?英语作文,一百五十个单词 Would you mind speaking loudly?I can't hear you c() He is always speaking loudly和He always speaks loudly的区别他总是大声说话 他说话总是很大声这是翻译, she is singing loudly?she sings loudly? The man is speaking loudly in order to be heard clearly.(同义句)The man is speaking loudly in order to be heard clearly.(保持句意基本不变)Thr man is speaking loudly_____ ______he can be heard clearly. I was speaking so loudly.I was ____ that he didn't hear me.A、supposed B、affected C、amazed D、expected 5、Way I( )Helen? This is Helen Speaking. A、speak B、speak C、speaking i'm going to the___(服装) store this afternoon.would you mind going with me?have you___(归还)the library book?It makes me____(发疯)when I think og his words.At ___(首先).we sang some songs in chorus.Speaking loudly in public places is this is very interesting i like speaking english 请问‘The boy is speaking to his mother in a——voice(A、aloud B、loudly C、loud D、loudest)选? I think reading is more important than speaking.I don't agree.Reading is the same as speaking. This is John speaking.Who's that?A.I;m Bill.B.This is Bill.C.That's Bill speaking.D.I'm Bill speaking. I think speaking is more important as reading怎么改I think speaking is more important as reading。 think ,speaking,more important ,reading四个中改 Is this Mr Wang speaking?Yes.___.A.I'm speaking B,Who's that?.C,I'm Mr Wang. My English is not good,but I know Australia is an country.A.spoken; English-spoken B.speaking; sspeaking; English-speaking C.spoken; English-speaking Loudly as I shouted,the man rode too fast to hear me!Loudly as I shouted 是though I shouted loudly 的另一种形式吗?可以用Beautiful as she is,.可不可以讲讲上述那个句子? She is reading books loudly. speak loudly I love you