To any bridegroom,few occasions could be more annoying and embarrassing than struggling with thechampagne cork that ___ pop out in front of all the guests at the wedding ceremony.为什么填won't,表示什么?为什么不能用can't?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 06:42:01

To any bridegroom,few occasions could be more annoying and embarrassing than struggling with thechampagne cork that ___ pop out in front of all the guests at the wedding ceremony.为什么填won't,表示什么?为什么不能用can't?
To any bridegroom,few occasions could be more annoying and embarrassing than struggling with the
champagne cork that ___ pop out in front of all the guests at the wedding ceremony.为什么填won't,表示什么?为什么不能用can't?

To any bridegroom,few occasions could be more annoying and embarrassing than struggling with thechampagne cork that ___ pop out in front of all the guests at the wedding ceremony.为什么填won't,表示什么?为什么不能用can't?
先把句子意思大致翻译如下:对任何新郎官来讲,几乎没有什么事情比在婚礼在所有来宾面前.更加让人心烦和尴尬的事了.其中省略号部分的英文是:struggling with the champagne cork that ___ pop out
就语法来看,这是一个动宾短语,宾语还用一个that 从句来修饰,从填空来看can't表示“不能”,是完全的禁止或者做不到的意味,而.比如说:1:你不能在这里吸烟,这里是无烟区.那么我们就用can't表较好,在这里表示禁止的意思.例如:This is no smoking zone,you can't smoking here!
2:can't还有心理上不情愿,情感上令人做不出某种行为的意味.比如说叫你欺骗某人,但是你情感上接受不了,你就可以用can't来表达.例如:I can't cheat him,he is my husband.

个人理(won't听着更顺,当然啦,这个是废话 ^_^) 这里用won't更能表达当时的情境,香槟塞子不是“不能”pop out,这里边你可以把它堪称你人,你越想把瓶子打开,那个瓶塞就月跟你对着干,被就“不要”被打开。比如说My car just won't start. 和 My car just can't start. 用Can 仿佛时说车出问题了,不具备被发动的“能力”而用won't更多表...


个人理(won't听着更顺,当然啦,这个是废话 ^_^) 这里用won't更能表达当时的情境,香槟塞子不是“不能”pop out,这里边你可以把它堪称你人,你越想把瓶子打开,那个瓶塞就月跟你对着干,被就“不要”被打开。比如说My car just won't start. 和 My car just can't start. 用Can 仿佛时说车出问题了,不具备被发动的“能力”而用won't更多表示说"我也不知道咋回事,它就是打不着火)婚礼上的尴尬瞬间更适合用Won't。


To any bridegroom,few occasions could be more annoying and embarrassing than struggling with thechampagne cork that ___ pop out in front of all the guests at the wedding ceremony.为什么填won't,表示什么?为什么不能用can't? Who is my bridegroom? 英语翻译啦.高一的.在线等啊.The bridegroom's best man then goes with the couple to the church, to be married.不要软件翻译的 是什么句型A guayabera,a typical Mexican Wedding shirt worn by the bridegroom has similar bold expression to the dress.为啥那个地方用worn 非谓语 1.The bridegroom's best man then goes with the couple to the church,(to be married1.The bridegroom's best man then goes with the couple to the church,(to be married.)括号里的成分做什么成分,为什么不可用 being married, 请问如何用”同位语”改写下列2个句子?1、The bridegroom was a boy of 15.The bridegroom did not know how to put the ring onto the bride's finger.2、The Fresh Air Association is a local organization.The Fresh Air Association has done a who can my bridegroom be 同上 英语翻译There are no disagreements of any kind presently existing,or reasonably anticipated by the Seller to arise,between the accountants,and lawyers formerly or presently employed by the Company and the Company is current with respect to any fe 祝你们新婚快乐的英文短文congratuiations to you.our bride and bridegroom!may every good luck and happiness accom pany you throughout the journey of life.这一段话的中文是什么? 新娘 用英语是什么?新郎是bridegroom,新娘怎么说? 英语翻译On the day of Greek wedding ceremony,the bridegroom has to ask the brid’s father for his daughter’s best man then goes with the couple to the church,to be married.During the church ceremony,the best man should help pu carowns made of Any shape and any size to Europe.英语翻译 what about ______juice?Yes,please.l want to drink______.A some,any B some,some C any,someD any,any press any key to boot from cd. Have you got any thing to have you any thing to be She ___have any time to listen____the CDs . 英语翻译Any difficulty to meet the requirement?