召唤英语老师~我对ing形式表示伴随状态或结果的语法很不熟悉.请老师指点迷津.比如:1.High school graduates usually do not end up earning as much income as college graduates do,“explaining why” so many high school st

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 16:43:55

召唤英语老师~我对ing形式表示伴随状态或结果的语法很不熟悉.请老师指点迷津.比如:1.High school graduates usually do not end up earning as much income as college graduates do,“explaining why” so many high school st
1.High school graduates usually do not end up earning as much income as college graduates do,“explaining why” so many high school students go on to pursue college degrees.我们老师说这里的explaining why应该改成 a fact that explained so many …..,她说因为前面讲的是一件事情,或者说是一个fact,而如果用explaining的话,主语就变成了high school graduates,
2.The historic Woodacre building,which housed several university departments,was demolished to make room for a parking lot,dismaying alumni who had supported the university for decades.但是这句话的“dismaying”是正确的.我就困惑了,这里的dismaying 的主语不是应该是The historic Woodacre building吗?那么化简后就成了The building dismay… 这句的前面 “The historic Woodacre building,which housed several university departments,was demolished to make room for a parking lot,”讲的是一件事情呀,所以难道不应该是把” dismaying alumni.”改成 a fact that dismayed
3.同理:Adult ladybugs often prey on agricultural or garden pests,causing many fruit growers to consider them among the most beneficial insects.这里causing的主语不是adult ladybugs吗?但是ladybugs不会导致果农的行为呀,应该是ladybugs喜欢吃害虫这件事情导致果农的行为的呀.

召唤英语老师~我对ing形式表示伴随状态或结果的语法很不熟悉.请老师指点迷津.比如:1.High school graduates usually do not end up earning as much income as college graduates do,“explaining why” so many high school st
1) 你老师的理解是片面的,一定要注意语言是人们长期以来使用而形成的一种表达方式,所以语法只是人们总结了人们的说话方式来规范表达的规则的,让人们更好的学习和掌握语言的.所以的学习的过程中一定要注意,语法不是万能是,也不是人们沟通最主要的东西,她是辅助的,而表达习惯比语法,从某方面讲,甚至更为重要.
那第一个例子来说 英语中常常有一个句子作为主语的 如果改成 High school graduates usually do not end up earning as much income as college graduates do, which explains why so many high school students go on to pursue college degrees. which 引导非限制性定语从句,其指代的就是前面的整个句子;那么在用现在分词来表达的时候,人们就直接有ing 形式做伴随来表达,其逻辑主语也就是前面的整个句子.关键在于沟通,不在于条条框框.
2) 看第二个句子,The historic Woodacre building, which housed several university departments, was demolished to make room for a parking lot, dismaying alumni who had supported the university for decades. 同样的,前面几个简单句,或称短句The historic Woodacre building, which housed several university departments, was demolished to make room for a parking lot 这个句子已经是完整的了,是整个句子的主干,因为改建筑要被改为停车场,所有就有 dismaying alumni who had supported the university for decades 使得一些数十年支持的学生校友感到沮丧.同样是整个全面的句子,即 建筑要被改为停车场 这个整个句子是后面现在分词引导的结果状语的逻辑主语.
在英语中,整个句子,也就是说某件事情,某个试试是可以作为分词的逻辑主要的. dismay 也具有动词的性质, 使/.沮丧,灰心.
分词,非谓语的使用在英语中是一个比较重点,而且有意思的地方. 有可以支持的请q 我569039649

召唤英语老师~我对ing形式表示伴随状态或结果的语法很不熟悉.请老师指点迷津.比如:1.High school graduates usually do not end up earning as much income as college graduates do,“explaining why” so many high school st 说一说 动词ing形式作状语表示伴随情况! 问一个非谓语作状语的问题当动词-ing形式做状语可以表示什么,(比如:可以表示伴随状态.)越全越好,还有当动词-ing表示不同的状语时有什么需要注意的吗?(比如:它表示伴随状态是有 when后面接的动词ing形式也可以表示为伴随状态吗?一道自由填空题-What else?-______drinking or eating outside,you should keep the garbage until you find a trash can.我填的是while,我认为drinking和eating是延续性的动 关于V-ing作状语表示伴随情况我不了解啥叫伴随情况,书上写得是对谓语的主要动作进行修饰,或作为陪衬.我有个大概的感觉,但不明确,能帮助解释一下吗? 伴随状语有ing形式 还有done形式吗 英语中的伴随状态能有被动语态吗?非主动词而是伴随动作,即-ing分词形式的伴随动作怎么使用被动语态,最好能给予以几个例句, who is that boy_____a black coatA) in B)with C)on D)at我知道如果是who is that boy__black.那肯定是用in但是我两个英语老师说法都不一样。一个说用with表示伴随状态。另一个说用in表示穿 动词ing形式可不可以作地点状语动词-ing形式作状语可以修饰谓语动词或整个句子,表示时间、原因、结果、条件、让步、方式、伴随或补充.那么为什么不可以表示 地点 急!动词ing形式和过去分词形式改写定语从句RT怎样改写,怎么判断什么时候用ing什么时候用过去分词?还有动词ing形式和过去分词形式怎么改写伴随状态?怎么区别两种形式的用法(如,被动时用 带ING的形容词与动词ING形式做伴随状语如何区分 ing ed形式可以做伴随状语那有没有being done 形式做伴随状语的. 状语从句表示一种伴随的状态,能举个例子, 英语中表示伴随状态是什么意思,怎么用? 求讲解:预习初三英语时遇到的一道题目On his way home,Li Bing found a watch _______ on the ground.A、lie B、lying C、lay D、liedA和D当然是错的,但是答案说选B;我英语老师说v-ed表示状态,v-ing表示动作,但是 英语老师对我很好,翻译 我做了许多英语的语法填空,发现凡是做伴随状语的,都用动词的ing形式,为什么呀,不能用过去分词莫 非谓语动词表伴随状语什么时候要用ing 形式什么时候又用ed?