Jumping out of bed,he dressed so quickly that he put his boot on the wrong feet.这个句子里有两个谓语动词 dresses 和 put 不是说一个句子里只能有一个动词吗,难道从句可以单独看成一个句子,里面可以有一个谓

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 18:50:09

Jumping out of bed,he dressed so quickly that he put his boot on the wrong feet.这个句子里有两个谓语动词 dresses 和 put 不是说一个句子里只能有一个动词吗,难道从句可以单独看成一个句子,里面可以有一个谓
Jumping out of bed,he dressed so quickly that he put his boot on the wrong feet.
这个句子里有两个谓语动词 dresses 和 put 不是说一个句子里只能有一个动词吗,难道从句可以单独看成一个句子,里面可以有一个谓语动词?..还有这属于什么从句,是宾语从句吗?

Jumping out of bed,he dressed so quickly that he put his boot on the wrong feet.这个句子里有两个谓语动词 dresses 和 put 不是说一个句子里只能有一个动词吗,难道从句可以单独看成一个句子,里面可以有一个谓
“一个句子里只能有一个动词”是在句子不带有任何从句的情况下才成立的,或者应该是“一个句子只能带有一个 谓 语 动 词”,这个谓语动词是指主句里的,而不是从句里的.

后面的 so that 是一个结果状语从句 如此以致的第一

把这个句子分成2部分Jumping out of bed
he dressed so quickly that he put his boot on the wrong feet.
后面的长句是主句,主语是he 谓语dress。 so后面的是状语从句 ,是so。。that 的结构 意思是如此。。以至于。。 ,状语从句有自己的一套主谓宾。主语he 谓语put。。on 宾语feet


把这个句子分成2部分Jumping out of bed
he dressed so quickly that he put his boot on the wrong feet.
后面的长句是主句,主语是he 谓语dress。 so后面的是状语从句 ,是so。。that 的结构 意思是如此。。以至于。。 ,状语从句有自己的一套主谓宾。主语he 谓语put。。on 宾语feet
jumping out of the bed 是独立主格,它的逻辑主语是he ,也是由他发出的动作,所以省去的主语,成为独立主格,它不是完整的句子,所以不能用谓语动词,只能用ing这样的非谓语动词



1. 从句,顾名思义就是处于从属地位的句子。所以,从句不是可以而是必须看成一个句子,也就是句子成分必须完整,这也是判断定语从句关系词的关键。
2. so... that... 如此。。。以至于。。。 引导结果状语从句。

I used to jumping out of bed ,wash quickly and run d____.I used to jumping out of bed ,wash quickly and run d_____.拼命的?放在句子里好奇怪 The though of jumping out of the plane t____ her. 求:jumping off与jumping out off的使用区别The children are jumping off the wall.与The cat is jumping out of the tree.中jumping off 与jumping out of 有什么区别,使用时要注意什么? get out of bed quickly是什么意思 译.Jumping out of an airplane at ten thousand feet is quite an exciting experienceл while i was walking along the lake,I saw some fish ( ) out of the waterA.jumped B.to jumpC.jumping D.are jumping明天中考,求讲解, 英语翻译法语翻译 :je me leve (from bed/out of bed)a 8h 括号里的怎么翻译成法语法语能这么说吗?我早上把点把我自己抬起来,从床上.如果后面我非要想加个 from bed /out of bed 语法上对吗,要怎么 out of bed 和 out of the house 的区别out of bed 和 out of the house 中为什么一个加定冠词而一个不加, Jumping out of bed,he dressed so quickly that he put his boot on the wrong feet.这个句子里有两个谓语动词 dresses 和 put 不是说一个句子里只能有一个动词吗,难道从句可以单独看成一个句子,里面可以有一个谓 Jump out of bed and hurry out of the house.为什么要用of He jumped out of bed full of plans for the weekend aheadjumped out of 怎么用, 翻译:''get dressed,get out of the bed.'' I’d roll out of bed in the morning翻译 i couldn't get myself out of bed 翻译 I'M WONDERING WHY I GOT OUT OF BED AT jump out of bed和get up意思一样吗? get up与get out of bed有什么区别? when do you get out of bed erery morning是什么意思