
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 06:51:07

Snow White is the world movie history first minister cartoons,according to Green fairy tale adaptations.The main story about Snow White and the stepmother jealousy is as beautiful,vowed to put her to death.But Snow White has been warrior,forest birds and the help of the seven dwarfs,escaped a robbery,the stepmother will reap what one has sown died under the cliff.

Snow White is the first minister cartoons of the world movie history,according to the adaptation of Green fairy tale.The main story is that her step mother is jealous of her beauty and vowed to put her to death.But Snow White escaped again and again by the help of the warrior,forest birds and beasts and the seven dwarfs,and her stepmother is hoisted by her own petard and die under the cliff.

— —这是百度翻译下的吗?全部都是错的
snow white is the first long cartoon in the history of world movie,which is based on the green fairy .it mainly talked about the step mother of princess snow white decided t...


— —这是百度翻译下的吗?全部都是错的
snow white is the first long cartoon in the history of world movie,which is based on the green fairy .it mainly talked about the step mother of princess snow white decided to kill her for her beauty,nut with the help of knight,animals in the forest and 7 dwolves,she escaped from the murder,.at last her step mother died in the cliff caused by herself


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