看下能得多少分T.Tsubjects and course contents for children are decided by authorities ,such as the central government.Some people think that teachers should decide these for students.Dis or agree?作文:It is generally believed that the subj

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 17:53:12

看下能得多少分T.Tsubjects and course contents for children are decided by authorities ,such as the central government.Some people think that teachers should decide these for students.Dis or agree?作文:It is generally believed that the subj
subjects and course contents for children are decided by authorities ,such as the central government.Some people think that teachers should decide these for students.Dis or agree?
It is generally believed that the subjects and course contents of students should be decided by official institution such like local governments.However,whether teachers should be given authority to make a decision about the curriculum for young students is a challenging issue in education.In my opinion,when designing the educational policy on curriculum,authorities should take the suggestions from teachers into account at the meantime.
In the first place,curriculum designed by authorities should be given priority.Before carrying out the educational policy,lots of research and investigations must have been done by official institutions.This means those educational plans widely satisfy the demand of student's intellectual development and employment in the future.Another advantage is that uniform curriculum made by official institutions can contribute to unify and regulate the unitive educational system,avoiding the irregular standards of native schooling.However,almost governments concerns more about the requirements of student's development from the social view rather than the interests of the youths.It's hard to avoid that students lose enthusiasm on study toward some boring theoretical classes.
On the contrary ,teacher's abundant teaching experiences can remedy the defect of the educational policy made by authorities.Teachers spent their working hours with students together so that teachers understand the student's requirements better than official institutions.Also,the subjects and course contents designed by teachers cater to the needs of student's interests better.In addition,it is necessary that let teachers participate in the process of designing the subjects and courses for students since the significant position of education the teachers play.
In conclusion,the subjects and course contents for children should be decided by authorities ,such as the central government.However,we can not neglect the disadvantages that the authorities have.And teachers' participation can remedy the defect to some extent.In other words,during the process of drafting the educational policy on curriculum,authorities should take the suggestions from teachers into account .

看下能得多少分T.Tsubjects and course contents for children are decided by authorities ,such as the central government.Some people think that teachers should decide these for students.Dis or agree?作文:It is generally believed that the subj


看下能得多少分T.Tsubjects and course contents for children are decided by authorities ,such as the central government.Some people think that teachers should decide these for students.Dis or agree?作文:It is generally believed that the subj 请问这篇短文估计能得多少分?明天检查,请大家预估一下能得多少分(满分15分)谢谢i think ones shouldn't make himself a big desire,if you didn't,you won't be able to get your aim,because it is too difficult to be 满分100分,得多少 英语翻译大概得多少分? 挑战难题,追加100分,点此进入已知集合T={1,2,3,…,8},对于集合A,有A包含于T且A≠Φ,经定义,Sa为A中所有元素之和,问T有多少个非空子集A,使Sa为3的倍数而不为5的倍数过程一定要让人看得懂 足球赛规定:每队胜一场得3分,平一场得1分,负一场得0分,某队前14场保持不败,共得34分,该队共平了多少A.3B.4C.5D.6 6t得于多少kg 60t得于多少kg 540三七分怎么分?三得多少?七得多少?怎么得出来的? 2012年浙江省历史、地理、信息技术会考想得A级大概要多少分? 销售额总分 40分 指标是650元 A完成400元,应该得多少分?怎么算?公式是什么? A,B,C,D,E五个同学参加智力竞赛,ABCD四人共得130分,BCDE四人共得160分,ABDE四人共得150分,ACDE四人共得170分,ABCE四人共得110分.五人中每人各得多少分? 英语翻译大概能得多少分 高中数学物理化学生物学二百天能得多少分 新六级作文5分能得多少 英语翻译能得多少分啊 英语翻译大概能得多少分? 雅思口语一般得多少分?