
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 09:56:38


晕 前面都是机译.
There are many cameras in public places like mart,bus station and bank.People have different opinions on this.Some agree while some disagree.I think that installing cameras in public is right because it can guard against thieves and play a deterrent role.Also it can protect the property safety of people.So I think it's right.

In many public places, have installed cameras, such as market, the station, and the bank. People have a lot of different views and opinions, some support, some opposition. Some think it is right, some...


In many public places, have installed cameras, such as market, the station, and the bank. People have a lot of different views and opinions, some support, some opposition. Some think it is right, some think it is wrong. I think that in public installation camera is right, because it can guard against the thief, plays the role of deterrence, protect people's property safety. So I think this is right. If you want to edit answer or insert the pictures, please click on the title page for details the problem


In many public places, have installed cameras, such as market, the station, and the bank. People have a lot of different views and opinions, some support, some opposition. Some think it is right, some...


In many public places, have installed cameras, such as market, the station, and the bank. People have a lot of different views and opinions, some support, some opposition. Some think it is right, some think it is wrong. I think that in public installation camera is right, because it can guard against the thief, plays the role of deterrence, protect people's property safety. So I think this is right.


there are cameras installed in many public places, like shopping malls, stations, banks, etc. however, people hold different opinions towards this action....


there are cameras installed in many public places, like shopping malls, stations, banks, etc. however, people hold different opinions towards this action. some support it while some reject it. On my behalf, it is right to install cameras in public places, because it may frighten the thieves, and thus protect the properties of people. So this is why I think neccessary to have cameras in public situations.


前面那位挺好,采纳他的吧,但有几个错误,我改改!There are many cameras in public places like marts, bus stations and banks. People have different opinions on this.Some agree while some disagree.Some think that it's right whi...


前面那位挺好,采纳他的吧,但有几个错误,我改改!There are many cameras in public places like marts, bus stations and banks. People have different opinions on this.Some agree while some disagree.Some think that it's right while some don't. I think that installing cameras in public places is right because it can guard against thieves and play a deterrent role.Also it can protect the property of people. So I think it's right.


In many public places, has installed cameras, such...


In many public places, has installed cameras, such as shopping malls, railway stations, and bank. People have many different views and opinions, some support, some are against it. Some think this is right, some say it is wrong. I think that the installation of cameras in public places is right, because it can prevent a thief, play a deterrent role, protect people's property safety. So I think it is right.


Во многих людях, имеют установку камер, например, торговый центр,
станции, а банк. Люди в разные мнения и замечания, которые поддерживают, либо
против. Некоторые считают, что это было, что это неправильно. Я думаю на
установку камер на публике, потому что он может от воров, играют роль
устрашения, защиты безопасности имущества людей. Итак, я думаю это был прав.


There are a lot of cameras installed in public places like the mall, bus stations and bank. People have different opinions and some agree, some disagree. Some think this is necessay, some think this...


There are a lot of cameras installed in public places like the mall, bus stations and bank. People have different opinions and some agree, some disagree. Some think this is necessay, some think this is wrong. I think that installing cameras in public places is necessary since it protect us from thieves, serve as a warning and protect the personal property. Because of all these reasons, I think it is the right thing to do.
人工翻译 请采纳!!!


A large number of cameras are installed in many public places, such as shopping malls, bus stations, and banks. People have different opinions of pros and cons toward the installatio...


A large number of cameras are installed in many public places, such as shopping malls, bus stations, and banks. People have different opinions of pros and cons toward the installation of the cameras. Some of them are very supportive, while some are against it. In my opinion, it is right to install cameras in public places, because it can prevent thieves, have deterrent effect, and protect the safety of people's property. Therefore, I think it is a right thing to install cameras in public places.




英译:In man...




英译:In many public places, have installed cameras, such as market, the station, and the bank. People have a lot of different views and opinions, some support, some opposition. Some think it is right, some think it is wrong. I think that in public installation camera is right, because it can guard against the thief, plays the role of deterrence, protect people's property safety. So I think this is right.



Hidden cameras are installed in many public places, such as departmental stores, bus or railway stations and also commercial banks. The public responds differently to this matter, some feel that it i...


Hidden cameras are installed in many public places, such as departmental stores, bus or railway stations and also commercial banks. The public responds differently to this matter, some feel that it is the right thing to do and are in favor of it, but some feel that it is wrong and are against it. In my opinion, installing cameras in public places is right because the cameras serve as a deterrent role to guard against thieves and protect the properties of people. So, I think it is the right thing to do. (建议删除最后这句,重复了)



The CCD cameras are installed at many public places such as emporia, stations and banks. People are of different opinions and attitudes, some are for it while others against it. Some believe it is rig...


The CCD cameras are installed at many public places such as emporia, stations and banks. People are of different opinions and attitudes, some are for it while others against it. Some believe it is right and proper while others beieve it is wrong and improper. In my opinion, it is right and proper to install CCD cameras at public places as they play an deterrent role/function in preventing or keeping away thieves and in protecting the safety and security of our belongings and properties. Therefore I am for it.


For many public places have to install the camera, for example, shopping malls, railway stations, as well as banks.People have many different views and opinions, some people support and some against i...


For many public places have to install the camera, for example, shopping malls, railway stations, as well as banks.People have many different views and opinions, some people support and some against it.Some people think this is right, and the other people think that this is wrong. I think it is useful that the camera is installed in public places, because it can prevent a thief, to serve as a deterrent to protect people and property. So I think this is right.


Today, cameras are installed in many public places, such as shops, stations and banks. People have different views and opinions, some pros and some cons. Some think it is right, while others think it...


Today, cameras are installed in many public places, such as shops, stations and banks. People have different views and opinions, some pros and some cons. Some think it is right, while others think it wrong. In my opinion, it is right to install cameras in public places, because it can guard against the thieves with such effective deterrence as to protect people's property safety. That's the reason that I think so.


In many public areas such as shopping malls, stations and banks, cameras are installed to monitor illegal acts. People have different stances towards the installation of cameras. Some support it while...


In many public areas such as shopping malls, stations and banks, cameras are installed to monitor illegal acts. People have different stances towards the installation of cameras. Some support it while some are against it. Some argue that cameras can protect people's rights, some are on the opposite side. In my opinion, it is essential to have cameras in public areas, 'cause it deters thieves from stealing, thus ensures the safety of personal belongings. That's why I back it.


CCTV cameras have been installed in many public places, such as the shopping malls, bus and railway stations, also the banks. People have different reactions and opinions to this, some agreed and othe...


CCTV cameras have been installed in many public places, such as the shopping malls, bus and railway stations, also the banks. People have different reactions and opinions to this, some agreed and others disagreed with the idea. There are people think that it is the worng thing to do and others think that is right and proper.
In my own opinion, I believe that CCTV cameras should be installed in public places, because they prevent thieves and could act as a deterent procedure to protect people's properties and valuables. Therefore, I think it is the right and proper thing to do.



It is common that cameras are installed in many public places.Such as emporiums,stations and banks.People hold many different views and ideas.Some people support it,and the others oppose it.Some peopl...


It is common that cameras are installed in many public places.Such as emporiums,stations and banks.People hold many different views and ideas.Some people support it,and the others oppose it.Some people think it is right,and the others think it is wrong.In my opinion,it is right in public places.Because it can guard against the thief,it also act as a deterrent and protect our safety of property.Therefore,i think it is right.


In many public places, has installed cameras, such as shopping malls, railway stations, and bank. People have many different views and opinions, some support, some are against it. Some think this is r...


In many public places, has installed cameras, such as shopping malls, railway stations, and bank. People have many different views and opinions, some support, some are against it. Some think this is right, some say it is wrong. I think that the installation of cameras in public places is right, because it can prevent a thief, play a deterrent role, protect people's property safety. So I think it is right.


Surveillance cameras are installed in many public places, such as shopping malls, train stations, and banks. People have different views and opinions about this, some are for it and others against it....


Surveillance cameras are installed in many public places, such as shopping malls, train stations, and banks. People have different views and opinions about this, some are for it and others against it. Some people think that it is good and others think it is not. I think having surveillance cameras installed in public places is a good thing, because they prevent thievery, can be a deterent for illegal act, and can make people feel safer. Therefore, I am for it.



这是你写的作文么 感觉 汉语逻辑 有些问题 翻译英语时 需重组结构

In many public places, has installed cameras, such as shopping malls, railway stations, and bank.People have many different views and opinions, some support, some are against it.Some think this is rig...


In many public places, has installed cameras, such as shopping malls, railway stations, and bank.People have many different views and opinions, some support, some are against it.Some think this is right, some say it is wrong.I think that the installation of cameras in public places is right, because it can prevent a thief, play a deterrent role, protect people's property safety.So I think it is right.


英语翻译在很多公共场合,都有安装摄像头,比如说商场,车站,还有银行.人们对此有很多不同的看法和意见,有的支持,有的反对.有的认为这是对的,有的认为这是错的.我认为在公共场合安装摄像 英语翻译:在中国很多成年人抽烟,在公共场合抽烟不违法,而且许多人都那样做 英语翻译,“在公共场合,不允许吸烟” 监控摄像头安装 求摄像头毫米数内个表,就是几毫米的头安装在多少米能照多宽,有算法也行, 公司厂房在15M以上的地方安装360°旋转摄像头的距离范围有多大 关于公共场合表现得很不得体的英语作文写一篇不少于100字的英语短文,围绕有很多人在公共场合表现得很不得体,比如……然后分析其原因,最后提出解决方案! 那个男生早已习惯在公共场合发言(英语翻译,用in public) 现在很多公共场合和家庭对一些亮白金属都使用金属亮光剂进行擦拭,请问下这种金属亮光剂有腐蚀作用吗? 教室里安装了摄像头,边上有一个小红灯一直亮,是不是红外线摄像头啊,要是晚上教室灯熄灭了,它还能看清楚吗?是不是做什么事都能看清呢? 监控摄像头有死角吗监控摄像头安装高度约3米,它的盲区大约在前下方多少米? 汽车360度全景摄像头有些高档车右边后视镜和前面安装了摄像头在导航屏上显示,新逍客和东风纳智捷都在突出这个全景摄像头,听说力帆720都原装了,我的卡罗拉前面都挂好几次了,想装一个,4S 世界上在公共场合禁烟的国家有哪些?全世界在公共场合、饭店、酒店等地区,越详细越好. 摄像头毫米数内个表,就是几毫米的头安装在多少米能照多宽? 我们老师在教室里安装摄像头,搜全班同学的课桌,算不算侵犯他人隐私权? 安装在教室的圆形摄像头怎么知道它是开的还是关的? 监控器摄像头上有安装望远镜的吗,知道请介绍一下, 卫星在天上是怎么监控地球的?是不是卫星表面安装的有摄像头之类的设备?你说的真有意思!要是你的老师就说明白点吧.2.你们回答的都差不多,我该怎么选谁呢1虽然说的感觉有头脑有点懂,但