
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 22:23:02


1.You won't yearn towards the niceness in your life unless you are sick.
2.The economic and technological exchange between China and the whole world is taking on a new phase.
3.The airliner is taking off when we hurried to the airport.
4.A septuagenarian lives in the mount,protecting the forest as well as the birds for decades on end,who is called the amateur environmentalist by people.
5.The whole world is watching attentively to China's ongoing big changes with great interests.

1only when you are sick, you will miss the good things of life.
2 China and the world economic and technological exchanges and cooperation with emerging new situation.
3, we get to the airport...


1only when you are sick, you will miss the good things of life.
2 China and the world economic and technological exchanges and cooperation with emerging new situation.
3, we get to the airport, the flight to take off.
4 mountains, there lived a 70-year-old old man. Forest bird protection in several decades, environmental experts known as the amateur.
5 The whole world is watching with great interest the tremendous changes taking place in China.


1,you will remember good things when you being sick.
2,there is new state on cooperate china and each all of nations in economic technology.
3, when we arrive at the airport, the airline almos...


1,you will remember good things when you being sick.
2,there is new state on cooperate china and each all of nations in economic technology.
3, when we arrive at the airport, the airline almost take off.
4,there is 70 years old man live in mountain,take care of forest and animal several 10 years like one day, and people say him is amateur environmental experts
5, whole world all in are gazing at china with much interest which is huge change on occurring.


You would never miss the beautiful things until you have been ill.
That emerging is a new situation of cooperation between China and the o...


You would never miss the beautiful things until you have been ill.
That emerging is a new situation of cooperation between China and the other countries in the world.
Hardly had the Plane taken off, when we arrived the airport.
A 70 years old man, living in the mountain, is called an amamteur experts in environment protection by people for his protecting the forest and birds everyday in his decades of life.
The whole world are,with great interest, focusing on the significant change happening in China.


1.When you fall ill, you will only then think in the life the happy
2. the China is having the new ball game with various countries'
economical technological exchange cooperation....


1.When you fall ill, you will only then think in the life the happy
2. the China is having the new ball game with various countries'
economical technological exchange cooperation.
When we rush to the airport, the flight must take off.
Mr. Shan Lizhu 70 year-old. The forest protection protects the bird decades seem like a day, is called the extra-curricular environmental protection expert by the people
5.The entire world in is gazing at China by the enormous interest the immense changes which occurs


英语翻译1只有当你生病时,你才会想念生活中美好的事物.2中国同世界各国的经济技术交流合作正在出现新局面.3我们赶到机场时,班机就要起飞了.4山里住着一位70岁的老汉.护林护鸟几十年如 英语翻译1.只有当你真正失去的时候,才会懂得珍惜.2.只有当你永不放弃,才会取得成功.用only when来翻~ “你走了,我们会想念你的”用英语翻译 有一句名言,不记得了,好像大概讲当你生病的时候才会觉得健康时多幸福,要感恩之类的名言 英语翻译想念 、 我们每一个缠绵的夜.想念 、 只有你能给我的那份触感.想念 、 只有你能让我心融化的‘蜜语甜言’.想念 、 我们手拉手逛过每条街道.想念 、 你进入我身体时的那份愉悦.. 流星划过夜空是什么感觉当你想念心爱的女孩时看到流星过夜空你会是什么感觉? 英语翻译;不要太紧张了,否则你会生病的. 英语翻译李叔叔你好,很久没跟你联系了,非常想念你.你的邮件已经收到!那些好莱坞的照片真是很有趣.可以想象,您的生活一定很多姿多彩!我最近比较忙,有很多试要考,我只有不断进步才不会 “只有你留心观察,才会发现生活是如此美丽.”修改病句 只有达到规定的标准,才会准许你参赛.英语翻译 (英语翻译)当你面对困难时,你会怎么办 我会想念你的英语怎么说 翻译句子 只要你一生病 你就想念家了 “我非常的想念你”英语翻译 “我们非常想念你”的英语翻译 我想念你胸膛的温度英语翻译 当你生病了,你的爸爸妈妈会怎样 作文400 教育家陶行知说的:当你有两块面包的时候,一定要用一块换一朵水仙花,你的生活才会美好.