请教关于dare 这个词的用法dare能作为情态动词与实义动词,但是有一个地方我一直混淆.比如dare to do something 这一个用法当中,dare到底是作为情态动词还是实义动词来使用的? 动词能加不定式吗?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/28 00:57:33

请教关于dare 这个词的用法dare能作为情态动词与实义动词,但是有一个地方我一直混淆.比如dare to do something 这一个用法当中,dare到底是作为情态动词还是实义动词来使用的? 动词能加不定式吗?
请教关于dare 这个词的用法
比如dare to do something 这一个用法当中,dare到底是作为情态动词还是实义动词来使用的? 动词能加不定式吗?由于本人水平有限,一直认为这种用法的dare是作为情态动词使用的,所以一直闹不明白,希望前辈给我指出,讲解dare 动词与情态动词的用法,能详细一点最好,能的话顺带举例子方便理解

请教关于dare 这个词的用法dare能作为情态动词与实义动词,但是有一个地方我一直混淆.比如dare to do something 这一个用法当中,dare到底是作为情态动词还是实义动词来使用的? 动词能加不定式吗?
1、情态动词有may,might,can ,could ,will ,would ,must ,shall,should,need,dare ,ought to等,表示说话人的态度.有一条语法规则想必你也知道:情态动词后面接的动词必须是原形.至于具体的用法与它们之间的区别,请在网上查阅“助动词,be动词,情态动词分别是哪些?”这篇文章.
I don't think we need ask him.
Nothing need be done about this till next week.
You needn't worry - I'm not going to mention it to anyone.
The doctor said I needed an operation.医生说我需要做手术.
I need to go to the toilet.我得上厕所.
This room needs brightening up a bit.这个房间需要做得更明亮一点.
She needs her hair washed.她得洗洗头.
Dare you tell him the news?(dare作情态动词)
Everyone in the office complains that he smells awful,but nobody dares (to) mention it to him.(这一句中dare是实义动词,因为是三单式,但是它又可以跟不带to的动词动词不定式.)
Do you dare (to) tell him the news?(这一句中dare是实义动词,因为已经出现助动词do,但是它也可以跟不带to的动词不定式.)

dare[dZr, dær; dZə]
(文语)敢…,胆敢…He ~ not tell us.他不敢告诉我们D~ he fight?.他敢打架 [打仗] 吗?How ~ you [he] say such a thing?.你[他]怎么敢说这样的话?They ~d not look me in the face.他们不敢直视我的脸If he ~ say ...


dare[dZr, dær; dZə]
(文语)敢…,胆敢…He ~ not tell us.他不敢告诉我们D~ he fight?.他敢打架 [打仗] 吗?How ~ you [he] say such a thing?.你[他]怎么敢说这样的话?They ~d not look me in the face.他们不敢直视我的脸If he ~ say such a thing again, I shall knock him down.如果他胆敢再说这种话,我一定把他打倒在地I dare say我想…,我看 (大概) ; 或许I ~ say that's true. = That's true, I ~ say.我想那是真的
1 敢…,胆敢He does not ~ to tell us.他不敢告诉我们Do you ~ to ask her?.你敢问她吗?I have never ~d (to) speak to him.我从不敢和他说话I wonder how she ~s (to) say that.我奇怪她怎么敢那样说Don't you ~ (to) touch me.你敢碰我?On and on he ran, never daring to look back.他直往前跑,怎么也不敢回头看2a. 无惧于…,毅然向…挑战I will ~ any danger [anything].无论有危险 [任何事] 我都不怕b. 敢于尝试,冒险尝试 <新的事等>He ~d a new teaching method in his class.他敢于尝试新的教学方法3 a. 挑激,挑唆<某人><做…>I ~ you to jump across that stream.我看你敢不敢跳过那条溪流b. 挑激<某人>[做…][into]He ~d me into the fight.他挑唆我去打架
有勇气 (做…) ,敢 (做…)I would do it if I ~d.如果我有勇气我就做 (但是害怕而没做)Let them try it if they ~.如果他们敢做,就让他们试一试
挑激,挑战; 挑唆accept a ~接受挑战
