
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 05:49:04


翻译:中文 » 英语
Bennett and his wife have five daughters Gui word in question,both of which Elizabeth is a woman of intelligence have assertive.A rich single people Daxixiansheng live in the vicinity.Bennett is an especially Elizabeth,the pride of the West gradually Health and obnoxious.While Darcy and Elizabeth because of arrogance and prejudice and ignored the other side,Hunran I do not know their true intention,but they do attract each other.Finally,Elizabeth's younger sister who eloped with Li Diya,is the West to save her reputation.Since then Darcy and white Isa gradually eliminate the misunderstanding,they Jinshi the hatchet,finally engaged.
The book display of the early 19th century British beautiful tranquil rural life,the treatment of married women about the psychological level for the rich.The author expressed her marriage:In order to property and status of marriage is wrong,but the marriage without considering the status of property and is also stupid.

Bennett and his wife have five daughters Gui word in question, both of which Elizabeth is a woman of intelligence have assertive. A rich single people Daxixiansheng live in the vicinity. Bennett is an...


Bennett and his wife have five daughters Gui word in question, both of which Elizabeth is a woman of intelligence have assertive. A rich single people Daxixiansheng live in the vicinity. Bennett is an especially Elizabeth, the pride of the West gradually Health and obnoxious. While Darcy and Elizabeth because of arrogance and prejudice and ignored the other side, Hunran I do not know their true intention, but they do attract each other. Finally, Elizabeth's younger sister who eloped with Li Diya, is the West to save her reputation. Since then Darcy and white Isa gradually eliminate the misunderstanding, they Jinshi the hatchet, finally engaged.
The book display of the early 19th century British beautiful tranquil rural life, the treatment of married women about the psychological level for the rich. The author expressed her marriage: In order to property and status of marriage is wrong, but the marriage without considering the status of property and is also stupid.


英语翻译班纳特夫妇有五位女儿待字闺中,其中伊丽莎白是位既聪慧又有主见的女子.一位富有的单身贵族达西先生就住在附近.班纳特一家尤其是伊丽莎白,对骄傲的达西渐生厌恶.虽然达西和 跪求大神帮忙翻译成英文不要有语法错误小乡绅班纳特有五个待字闺中的千金,班纳特太太整天操心着为女儿物色称心如意的丈夫. 新来的邻居Bingley是个有钱的单身汉,他立即成了班纳特太太 一对表型正常的夫妇,婚后生出了一个患有白化病的女儿和一个红绿色盲的儿子,请分析其原因.详细一点最好. 英语翻译,威廉王子夫妇 白化病概率问题-隐性基因一对夫妇生下了一个有白化病的儿子和一个正常的女儿 (注意夫妇没有说明其表现型 即是说 父母可能是Aa Aa 或者父Aa 母aa 或者 父aa 母 Aa)1.这个女儿携带隐性基因的 英语翻译牛排''女儿'' 英语翻译因为女儿急用, 英语翻译《李尔王》是威廉·莎士比亚四大悲剧之一,叙述了年事已高的李尔王意欲把国土分给3个女儿,口蜜腹剑的大女儿高纳里尔和二女儿里根赢其宠信而瓜分国土,小女儿考狄利娅却因不愿 英语翻译意思为:讲述Gru和他的三个女儿:Margo、Edith、Agnes以及他的跟班们The Minion和女特工Lucy之间发生的事情,最后Gru还和Lucy结为夫妇的故事. 某表现性正常的夫妇生了一对龙凤胎,儿子色盲,女儿正常,这对夫妇再生一个正常女儿的概率是 你说哪一组词语中有两个错别字呢?A,无稽之谈,反唇相稽,有案可稽,稽延时日B,各行其是,深是其言,共商国是,惹是生非C,待立一旁,以逸待劳,以礼相待,待字闺中D,高枕无忧,忧悒不安,优柔寡断,怨 一对色觉正常的夫妇生了一个红绿色盲的儿子和一个色觉正常的女儿,其女儿与正常男子婚配,所生男孩中患色盲的可能性为( )A、1/2 B、1/4 C、1/8 D、1/16 布莱克夫妇有一个十岁的女儿用英语怎么说急 布莱克夫妇有一个10岁的女儿用英语怎么说? 小居里夫妇?对不起,我要的是居里夫人女儿的资料 如果夫妻生一个色盲女儿的可能性是25%,那么该夫妇的基因型为 这个法律案例对我的启示 李四夫妇有存款5万元,家中有母亲,儿子刚参加工作,女儿在读中学.某日李四突然死亡,清理其遗物时发现其亲笔书写、签名的遗嘱一份,并注明年月日.遗嘱中写明:将5 有一对夫妇都是双眼皮,他们各自的父亲都是单眼皮,这对夫妇生了一个单眼皮的孩子,若再生一个单眼皮女儿的概率是?