
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 02:18:55


Once there was a person who sold spears and sheilds.When someone came for the sheild,he would say,"This is the firmest sheild that can resist any attack from a spear." But when someone came for the spear,he said the likewise words," This is the sharpest spear that can pierce through any sheild." So another person asked:" What it would be if you pierce your sheild with your spear?" The paradox made him no answer.

Stultify oneself
One, sold spear and shield. When someone came to buy a shield, he would praise his shield said: "My shields are extremely strong, no matter what the spear can pierce through it. S...


Stultify oneself
One, sold spear and shield. When someone came to buy a shield, he would praise his shield said: "My shields are extremely strong, no matter what the spear can pierce through it. Someone to buy a spear, and he admired his spear and said: my spear is so. No matter what it can pierce. Another person asked him: what about your spear is used to pierce one of your shields? He couldn't answer it.


There is a person, sell spear and selling shield. Someone to buy shield, he praised his shield said: "my shield is strong, no matter what spear pierced through it all. A man to buy a spear, he praised...


There is a person, sell spear and selling shield. Someone to buy shield, he praised his shield said: "my shield is strong, no matter what spear pierced through it all. A man to buy a spear, he praised his spear said: "my spear was sharp. No matter what it can pierced through. Another person ask him: you spear pierced your shield so what...


英语翻译有一个人,卖矛又卖盾.有人来买盾,他就夸他的盾说:我的盾坚固极了,无论什么矛都扎不透它.有个人来买矛,他又夸他的矛说:我的矛锋利极了.无论什么东西它都能扎透.另外一个人 英语翻译从前有一对形影不离的好朋友,他们是一个人先生和没有人先生.  没有人喜欢一个人,一个人讨厌没有人.  一个人饿的时候没有人送来蛋糕.  一个人无聊的时候没有人陪他玩 英语翻译昨日的我充满笑容.今日的我显得悲伤.今后的我会是怎样?现实的生活使我感觉很累.没有人懂我.我害怕一个人,但我又并不喜欢多人.我不懂自己.我很想有一个人永远在我身边.我发脾 英语翻译不是,家里有人又怎么翻译? 有没有人为了等一个人而单身一辈子 岸上有三个人,水里有一个人,湖里有没有人,水里有几个人? 英语翻译人生在世,要不是让人家开开玩笑,回头来又取笑取笑别人,那还有什麼意思?不过天下事总是这样的.你嘴上不诉苦,就没有人可怜你.有心事应该等到单独一个人的时候再去想.还有这三 想有一个人的陪伴,英语翻译是什么? 有一个人说英语翻译如题 有一个人10元卖了一只鸡,11元卖出,又12元买回,又13元卖出,到底是赚了还是赔了,具体多少钱 英语翻译没有人知道为什么,太阳总下到山的那一边;没有人能够告诉我,山里面有没有住着神仙.多少的日子里总是一个人面对着天空发呆,就这么好奇,就这么幻想,这么孤单的童年. 有没有人死了又活过来? 有一个人花了600元买头牛,卖了700元,然后又花800元把这头牛买了回来,又卖了900元,他是赚还...有一个人花了600元买头牛,卖了700元,然后又花800元把这头牛买了回来,又卖了900元,他是赚还是赊? 英语翻译我早上什么都没有吃.我们没有人去过那里.教学楼里一个人都没有.客厅里有人. 英语翻译说一个人“有理想的”,该如何用英语翻译! 有木有人会英语翻译啊? 英语翻译\有没有人啊?|‘‘ 英语翻译有木有人知道呀?