请熟悉英文歌大大进来帮忙下~昨天在朋友的酷狗听到了,一首英文歌,一听就爱上了,但是这是一首歌被DJ污染了,但是这是一首歌被DJ污染了,“Rnb、慢摇 - 为乐精心打造福建厦门杜” 这垃圾DJ的

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 19:39:42

请熟悉英文歌大大进来帮忙下~昨天在朋友的酷狗听到了,一首英文歌,一听就爱上了,但是这是一首歌被DJ污染了,但是这是一首歌被DJ污染了,“Rnb、慢摇 - 为乐精心打造福建厦门杜” 这垃圾DJ的
昨天在朋友的酷狗听到了,一首英文歌,一听就爱上了,但是这是一首歌被DJ污染了,但是这是一首歌被DJ污染了,“Rnb、慢摇 - 为乐精心打造福建厦门杜” 这垃圾DJ的第一首英文歌的名字~

请熟悉英文歌大大进来帮忙下~昨天在朋友的酷狗听到了,一首英文歌,一听就爱上了,但是这是一首歌被DJ污染了,但是这是一首歌被DJ污染了,“Rnb、慢摇 - 为乐精心打造福建厦门杜” 这垃圾DJ的
darren hayes的Creepin‘ Up On You
creepin' up on you is the wrong thing to do
i found your address and got your phone number too
visit all the stores where you buy all your clothes
been to secret places you think nobody knows
if i had to live without you
nobody could
i need to be around you
watching you
no one else can love you like i do
feel it when i'm creepin' up on you
i know that it wouldn't be right
if i stayed all night
just to peep in on you
creepin' up on you
i've been hanging 'round all the places you haunt
spying on your friends to find out what you want
drinking from the glass that you left on the bar
follow you around driving home in your car
do i have to breathe without you?
'cause nobody could
i need to be around you
watching you
no one else can love you like i do
feel it when i'm creepin' up on you
i know that it wouldn't be right
if i stayed all night
just to peep in on you
creepin' up on you
i know this must be wrong
it can't go on
this kind of thing is taking all my sanity
and making me a mockery
this must be wrong
it can't go on
so won't somebody free me from this misery?
bring my baby closer to me
'cause no one else can love you like i do
you feel it when i'm creepin' up on you
i know that it wouldn't be right
if i stayed all night
just to peep in on you
no one else can love you like i do
i know you feel it when i'm creepin up on you
i know that it wouldn't be right
if i stayed all night
just to peep in on you
creepin' up on you
'cause no one else can love you,no no
like i do
i know you feel me peeping in on you
watching everything you do
'cause no one else can love you,no
like i do
no one else should love you,no
like i do
baby creepin' up on you
watching everything you do
yeah 'cause no one else can love you
no no one else should touch you
no one else can love you
touch you
love you
be with you

请熟悉英文歌大大进来帮忙下~昨天在朋友的酷狗听到了,一首英文歌,一听就爱上了,但是这是一首歌被DJ污染了,但是这是一首歌被DJ污染了,“Rnb、慢摇 - 为乐精心打造福建厦门杜” 这垃圾DJ的 请朋友帮忙提供歌名,沿着校园熟悉的小路,清晨来到树下读书, 英语好的朋友进来帮忙看下这个问题, 请熟悉越南语的朋友们帮忙翻译下, 广东的朋友进来,或者懂粤语的朋友进来帮忙翻译下!对条发瘟女甘好做咩呢,信唔信抢翻你呢那. 请熟悉明史或者熟悉儒家思想的朋友帮忙回答下,为什么李贽和何心隐被称为“异端之尤”?具体是他们的什么观点或者什么主张惹毛了那些正统儒士?请具体讲讲, 懂粤语的朋友进来帮忙下哦~做你得唔得先 .抵死眯.. 精通英语的朋友请进来帮我翻译下,谢谢帮忙!请精通英语的朋友帮我把这些英语翻译成汉字.谢谢.quoi DE neuf,early to wish you a merry christmas. 坝上的气候怎么样?9月20日去坝上摄影,熟悉的朋友请告之这时候坝上的温度怎么样?穿什么衣服合适?最好去过的朋友帮忙回答下, 明媚的阳光怎么样照在树叶上?请知道的朋友帮忙告诉下. 请懂哲学的朋友进来下吃得好穿得好,等同于幸福? 有熟悉汉字朋友吗··进来帮忙看看这是什么字 左边一个(禾)字旁 右边上面是(尤)下面是(山) 麻烦要有认识的把拼音打出来 有人能帮忙查下字典那就太感谢了·! 请朋友帮忙翻译 英-中(数目多请谅解..谢谢..)昨天碰到一个外国朋友,我的英语他也只能勉强听懂,我也在学习中,希望外语好的朋友们给指点下,谢谢了!1.对不起,我一会还有点事,我得走了2. 关于10/14 广州的canton fair,熟悉此事的朋友请进来回答一下哦请问如果要订250/天的摊位的话,或者要办采购进的话怎么办理,相关流程是哪些,如果你本人不太清楚,请帮忙问一下有参加此活动的 甲醇全国各地销售价格,请知道的朋友帮忙回答下,. 英语翻译manson的.请哪位朋友帮忙翻译下,感激不尽. 请问sarah这个英文名给人一种什么印象...请熟悉英语名含义的朋友帮忙解答,万谢! 英语翻译请熟悉荷兰地名的朋友帮忙翻译一下,这个地名hoogvliet(rt).向荷兰发货,