英语翻译Such enduring and intricately meshed levels of technical achievement outstrip by far anything achieved by our distant ancestors.outstrip by far...(蚂蚁的)这种复杂和持续的成就超越了我们祖先的任何一个成就,是

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 23:31:20

英语翻译Such enduring and intricately meshed levels of technical achievement outstrip by far anything achieved by our distant ancestors.outstrip by far...(蚂蚁的)这种复杂和持续的成就超越了我们祖先的任何一个成就,是
Such enduring and intricately meshed levels of technical achievement outstrip by far anything achieved by our distant ancestors.
outstrip by far...(蚂蚁的)这种复杂和持续的成就超越了我们祖先的任何一个成就,是官方翻译,但是我看到outstrip by 中outstrip是主动,by又是被动,一开始就没搞清到底是谁超越了谁,是人类的祖先超越了蚂蚁,还是蚂蚁超越了人类的祖先,by除了表示被…… 还能表示别的吗?

英语翻译Such enduring and intricately meshed levels of technical achievement outstrip by far anything achieved by our distant ancestors.outstrip by far...(蚂蚁的)这种复杂和持续的成就超越了我们祖先的任何一个成就,是
这里by far是一个短语.意思是远远超越.
outstrip的宾语是anything achieved by our distant ancestors.

by /baɪ/ DJ /baɪ/ KK
near sb/sth; at the side of sb/sth; beside sb/sth 靠近;在…旁边
a house by the river 河边的一所房子
The telephone is by the window. 电话在窗户旁边。


by /baɪ/ DJ /baɪ/ KK
near sb/sth; at the side of sb/sth; beside sb/sth 靠近;在…旁边
a house by the river 河边的一所房子
The telephone is by the window. 电话在窗户旁边。
Come and sit by me. 过来挨着我坐。
used, usually after a passive verb, to show who or what does, creates or causes sth (常置于表被动的动词后,表示使为者)
He was knocked down by a bus. 他被公共汽车撞倒了。
a play by Ibsen 易卜生写的剧本
Who's that book by? 谁是那本书的作者?
I was frightened by the noise. 我被那响声吓坏了。
used for showing how or in what way sth is done (表示方式)
The house is heated by gas. 这房子是煤气供暖的。
May I pay by cheque? 我能用支票付款吗?
I will contact you by letter. 我会给你写信联系的。
to travel by boat/bus/car/plane 乘船╱公共汽车╱轿车╱飞机
to travel by air/land/sea 坐飞机;经陆路/海路
Switch it on by pressing this button. 按下这个开关启动它。
used before particular nouns without the, to say that sth happens as a result of sth (置于不带 the 的名词前,表示原因)由于
They met by chance. 他们不期而遇。
I did it by mistake. 我误做了这事。
The coroner's verdict was ‘death by misadventure’. 验尸官判定是“意外致死”。
not later than the time mentioned; before 不迟于;在…之前
Can you finish the work by five o'clock? 你五点钟前能完成工作吗?
I'll have it done by tomorrow. 我将于明天之前让人做完这件事。
By this time next week we'll be in New York. 下星期的这个时候我们将在纽约。
He ought to have arrived by now/by this time. 他现在应该已经到了。
By the time (that) this letter reaches you I will have left the country. 你收到这封信时,我已离开这个国家了。
past sb/sth 经过
He walked by me without speaking. 他一言不发地从我身边走过。
during sth; in a particular situation 在…期间;处于某种状况
to travel by day/night 白天╱夜间旅行
We had to work by candlelight. 我们不得不借助烛光工作。
used to show the degree or amount of sth (表示程度、数量)
The bullet missed him by two inches. 子弹只差两英寸就击中他了。
House prices went up by 10%. 房价上涨了 10%。
It would be better by far (= much better) to… 那比…好得多。
from what sth shows or says; according to sth 从…看;依;按照
By my watch it is two o'clock. 我的表是两点钟。
I could tell by the look on her face that something terrible had happened. 从她的脸色我可以看出,发生了可怕的事情。
By law, you are a child until you are 18. 按照法律规定,18 岁之前是未成年人。
used to show the part of sb/sth that sb touches, holds, etc. (表示触及或抓住的人或物的部份)
I took him by the hand. 我拉着他的手。
She seized her by the hair. 她揪住她的头发。
Pick it up by the handle! 抓着手柄把它提起来!
used with the to show the period or quantity used for buying, selling or measuring sth (与 the 连用,表示时间或量度单位)
We rented the car by the day. 我们按日租用汽车。
They're paid by the hour. 他们的报酬是按小时计算的。
We only sell it by the metre. 我们只按米出售。
used to state the rate at which sth happens (表示速率)
They're improving day by day. 他们在一天天地改进。
We'll do it bit by bit. 我们会一点一点地做。
The children came in two by two (= in groups of two). 孩子们一对一对地走了进来。
used for giving more information about where sb comes from, what sb does, etc. (补充有关出生地、职业等的信息)
He's German by birth. 他是德国血统的。
They're both doctors by profession. 他们两人的职业都是医生。
used when swearing to mean ‘in the name of’ (起誓时用)以…的名义
I swear by Almighty God… 我以全能上帝之名发誓…
used to show the measurements of sth (表示尺寸时用)
The room measures fifteen feet by twenty feet. 房间 15 英尺宽 20 英尺长。
used when multiplying or dividing (用于乘除运算)
6 multiplied by 2 equals 12. 6 乘以 2 等于 12。
6 divided by 2 equals 3. 6 除以 2 等于 3。
Idiom: by the by/bye
past 经过
Just drive by. Don't stop. 直接开过去。别停车。
He hurried by without speaking to me. 他没和我说话就匆匆过去了。
Excuse me, I can't get by. 劳驾,请让开点路。
Time goes by so quickly. 时光飞逝。
used to say that sth is saved so that it can be used in the future (表示保留或保存时用)
I've put some money by for college fees. 我已经存了些钱作大学学费。
in order to visit sb for a short time 短暂拜访
I'll come by this evening and pick up the books. 我今晚过来取书。
Idiom: by and by old-fashioned
before long; soon 不久;很快


英语翻译 很多畅销书最多只能流行一两年(at best,an enduring impact) 英语翻译It stands too as an enduring monument to the love and devotion.给点提示.stand 是象征的意思 英语翻译Such enduring and intricately meshed levels of technical achievement outstrip by far anything achieved by our distant ancestors.outstrip by far...(蚂蚁的)这种复杂和持续的成就超越了我们祖先的任何一个成就,是 英语翻译用such an amazing history造句.要中文翻译. 英语翻译Most advertising researchers who work for and advertisingBusinesses assume that consistent ,long-term advertising campaigns are an effective way to project a solid,enduring image and to maintain an ongoing relationship between consumers a 英语翻译Most advertising researchers who work for and advertisingBusinesses assume that consistent ,long-term advertising campaigns are an effective way to project a solid,enduring image and to maintain an ongoing relationship between consumers a You are an enduring secret in the bottom of my heart.DOyou know 求翻译 such 、 a such 、so an、such an的区别 receive such an honor I feel such an 英语翻译我要用这个题目做演讲 enduring 在这里不是动词吗? such an interesting和such interesting区别 英语翻译such an experience befell a certain young girl the first time she was travelling alone. 英语翻译What do you think determines an employee ) progress in a company such as ours? such+a/an+形容词+名词 Your such an ugly bitch normal is such an ugly 英语翻译such ...as