谁能帮我分析下这个问句啊Who do all the newspapers,magazines and radio stations in America belong to.主要是这个句型搞不明白:one do thing belong to.我参考“有道词典”大概翻译了下,也不晓得对不对:在美国

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 23:27:01

谁能帮我分析下这个问句啊Who do all the newspapers,magazines and radio stations in America belong to.主要是这个句型搞不明白:one do thing belong to.我参考“有道词典”大概翻译了下,也不晓得对不对:在美国
Who do all the newspapers,magazines and radio stations in America belong to.
主要是这个句型搞不明白:one do thing belong to.

谁能帮我分析下这个问句啊Who do all the newspapers,magazines and radio stations in America belong to.主要是这个句型搞不明白:one do thing belong to.我参考“有道词典”大概翻译了下,也不晓得对不对:在美国
习惯用语是 belong to whom,改成特殊疑问句的时候,对whom 提问,就是:
who + 助动词 + 主语 + belong to?
All the newspapers,magazines and radio stations in America belong to their owners.

句中主要涉及一个词组:belong to..中文意思是 属于。。。
由于主语是all the newspapers,magazines and radio stations in America,是复数,所以用助动词do,问的是谁,那么用who开头。

谁能帮我分析下这个问句啊Who do all the newspapers,magazines and radio stations in America belong to.主要是这个句型搞不明白:one do thing belong to.我参考“有道词典”大概翻译了下,也不晓得对不对:在美国 谁能帮我分析下这个电路 后街男孩的中文歌词.. 谁能帮我翻译下 这个歌词啊 . 谢谢啊 . Backstreet Boys-Give Me Your Heart Album:Backstreet Boys Shoo do do op Shoo do do do do do Shoo do do op Shoo do do do do do Can I have a talk with you Let me walk you What drinks do you think we need.帮我分析下这个句型 请帮忙分析下下面这个句子结构Friendship helps us understand who we are,why we need each other and what we can do for each other. 谁能帮我分析下这个光电转换电路 英文关于who的用法who用于提问一般的问句比如:where are you?或者where do you want?这些问句不都是有一个are或者do之类的词在问句里,不能说where you或者where you want我看英文片里面有几个who的问句who The one who offered you a job in Shanghai请帮我分析下这句话的语法, There is a little girl who is laughing in the middle of the bedroom.这句话有没有语法错误?最好是帮我分析下这个句子的结构~ 高三英语选择题,高手帮忙分析下!( ) be sent to work there?A.Who do you suggest B.Do you suggest who should C.Who do you suggest that should D.Do you suggest whom should .答案是A,为什么不是C呢?记得这样一个结构:Sb sugge 帮我分析下这个电路图吧? 帮我分析下下面这个电路 帮我分析下这个电路图 who should i love 不好意思 我英语不好 还能帮我翻译下 这个是什么意思啊 定语从句,句子分析到底分析什么啊?例子:A 15-year-old boy who went missing three days ago in Do There are ont only you who are very surprised.这是there be还是定语从句啊?说说这个句子的句子结构 分析下成分 我没懂 Do what I like.做我喜欢做的事.这个句子what怎么在do的后面?帮忙分析下句型结构.直译又是什么? And a burning cigarette out, a dark and white. Only from people who do not return.这段话怎么翻译?And a burning cigarette out, a dark and white. Only from people who do not return.谁能帮我翻译下,谢谢了!