
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 12:04:57


One year later,the incident was gradually overlooked,and Lucas was integrated into the life of the small town again.Everything seemed to recover peace,and everybody blessed the son of Lucas gained the qualification of hunting and completed the Adult Ceremony gently with smiles.However,once when Lucas was hunting in the forest alone,the sniper's shot from the dark place almost killed Lucas.Then,you had realized the evil above the town didn't disappear,and people were such hypocritical.The evil was ubiquitous.

A year later, things died down, Lucas is re-integrated into the life of the town, everything seems to restore calm, everyone polite smile and bless the son of Lucas hunting qualifications to complete ...


A year later, things died down, Lucas is re-integrated into the life of the town, everything seems to restore calm, everyone polite smile and bless the son of Lucas hunting qualifications to complete the mitzvah. But alone in the woods hunting the dark sniper almost to the life of Lucas (Lucas), you discover the malicious of the sky above the town did not dissipate, people are so hypocritical. Malicious everywhere.


英语翻译一年以后,事情渐渐平息,卢卡斯(Lucas)重新融入了小镇的生活,一切似乎又恢复了平和,人人都礼貌的微笑着祝福卢卡斯的儿子获得狩猎资格,完成成人仪式.但是树林里的独自狩猎,暗处 还有什么像渐渐平息这样的词 英语翻译也就是渐渐了解 你能等我一年吗?一年以后我去见你 求英语翻译 英语翻译1.直到嘈杂声和激动情绪平息下来,我们才知道真正发生了什么事情.(settle)2.自19世纪以来,许多科学家到未知的土地上去探险.(explore) 一年以后英语怎么说 天渐渐热了英语翻译 英语翻译:这是新中国建国以后的第一年,这个时候人民当家作主 英语翻译他后悔做了那些事情,从那个时刻以后他一定会成为一个好人! 一年以后,我希望造句 为何中国古代(明朝及以后)渐渐落后于西方国家? 英语翻译因为客服部犯了这个错误,公司的领导非常非常生气,我这几天一直在处理这件事情,希望能平息此事,我感觉效果非常不好.客户很大可能会给我们停止订单,公司也许会损失这个大客户. 911事件是那一年的事情 英语翻译一年以前:_________________ 英语翻译翻译成英文:与其三个人的斗争...不如我选择退出...平息这一场斗争,. 英语翻译争讼( )若亦不患( )1.三个虱子为什么争吵?2.如何平息争吵的?3.结果如何? 写近义词 威胁( ) 食饵( ) 平息( ) 平息的反义词