
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 16:26:01


two sheep
three knives
seven chinese
some children
four doctors
eleven boys
the photo of...
in the box
in chinese
those keys
his two son
answer the question

two sheep 注意SHEEP是单复数同形的
three knives
seven Chinese这个也是同形的
some children
four women doctors
eleven boys
a photo of
in the box
in Chinese
those keys
his two sons
answer this question

two sheepTwo sheep
"Three knives
"Seven Chinese
Some children
Four women doctors
eleven boys
..... Photos
In the box
"Those keys
"His two sons
"Answer the question

two sheep
three knives
7 chinese
some childern
4 women doctors
11 boys
a photo of
in the box
in chinese
those keys
his 2 sons
answer this question

不至于吧~我也是一名初中学生~至少应该会吧,呵呵。它们分别是:two sheep、three knives 、seven chinese 、some children 、four women
doctors、eleven boys 、the photo of....、in the box、in chinese、
those keys 、his two son 、answer this question ~好啦,加油学英语啊!呵呵

his two sons

别丢了英语 英语可是拉分的科目 想读好就要搞上去 自己做吧

two sheep,
three knives,
seven Chinses,
some children(kids),
four female doctors,
eleven boys,
the photo of...
inside the box,
in Chinese,
those keys,
his two sons,
answer this question.

two sheep
three knives "两只羊"------
"那些钥匙"----- ...


two sheep
three knives "两只羊"------
seven chinese
some children
four doctors
eleven boys
the photo of...
in the box
in chinese
those keys
his two son
answer the question


当心那把刀子,它很锋利(英语翻译) 英语翻译两只羊------三把刀子-----七个中国人-----一些孩子们-----四个女医生-----十一个男孩-----.的照片-----在盒子里-----用中文-----那些钥匙-----他的两个儿子-----回答这个问 五把刀子用英语怎么说 手拿把刀子歇后语的后半句是什么? 翻译:这把刀子像那把刀子一样锋利 .The knife is _ _ _that one. 英语翻译英语 三把刀~ 英语翻译1.盘子2.鸡蛋3.刀子4.辈子5.纸杯 材料话题作文有俩把刀子,一个把刀子在磨刀石上磨,另一把刀子对他说 你为什么要跟自己过不去呢,那把刀子说 这样我才能更锋利啊.内容大概就是这样,自选角度,写一篇作文.话说这样的作文 把一块橡皮泥做成立方体,用刀子将它快速切成两半,截面是什么形状的?如题 如何鉴别刀子硬度 刀子的复数 刀子的英语怎么说? citrus knife是什么刀子 英语翻译许多小孩,三把小刀,没有几个家庭 英语翻译把 三只小熊 翻译成 英文 不要歌词 一个六岁的孩子,放学回到家,拿起刀子就要切苹果.只见他让苹果横躺下,一边是花蒂,一边是果把,刀子放一个六岁的孩子,放学回到家,拿起刀子就要切苹果。只见他让苹果横躺下,一边是花 一把尺子一把刀共1.9元,4把尺子和6把刀共9元,尺子和刀子各多少元?解方程 一个啤酒瓶,一个盛水的玻璃杯,一把刀子,一个白瓷盘,2个苹果,一个橘子,三根香蕉,红 白衬布各一块如何构图