你帮我看看这封信有什么错误ws.popup"相信了吧?我再打开你的记事本给你写封英语信",20 ws.popup"记事本会被打开并最大化,这时你不要动,千万别把目标转移到其他窗口,耐心看我把信写完.否则引

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 12:49:51

你帮我看看这封信有什么错误ws.popup"相信了吧?我再打开你的记事本给你写封英语信",20 ws.popup"记事本会被打开并最大化,这时你不要动,千万别把目标转移到其他窗口,耐心看我把信写完.否则引
ws.run "notepad",3 :wscript.sleep 2000
verybat=split("dear ,friends ,,nice ,to ,meet ,you ,i ,am ,so ,sorry ,that ,i ,controled ,your ,computer,without ,you ,allowing,,please ,excuse ,me ,i ,want ,to ,say ,to ,you ,today,,my ,friends ,so ,even ,through ,we ,face ,the ,difficulties ,of ,today ,and ,tomorrow,,still ,have ,a ,dream ,it ,is ,a ,dream ,deeply ,rooted ,in ,our ,common ,dreams ,,Maybe ,it's ,true ,that ,we ,do ,not ,know ,what ,we ,have ,got ,until ,we ,lose ,it,,but ,it ,is ,also ,true ,that ,we ,do ,not ,know ,what ,we ,have ,been ,missing ,until ,it ,arrives ,.see ,you ,later ,,with ,the ,best ,wishes,,yours,,lhj",",")

你帮我看看这封信有什么错误ws.popup"相信了吧?我再打开你的记事本给你写封英语信",20 ws.popup"记事本会被打开并最大化,这时你不要动,千万别把目标转移到其他窗口,耐心看我把信写完.否则引
Nice to meet you ,i am so sorry that i controled your computer without you allowing.Please excuse me.Today I want to tell you --my friends so.Even through we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow,we still have a dream ,It is a dream deeply rooted in our common dreams .Maybe it's true that we do not know what we have got until we lose it but it is also true that we do not know what we have been missing until it arrives.See you later .
With best wishes!