
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 18:43:46



A face is cleaner when no makeup is used.(没有化妆的脸是比较洁净的.)

A face is cleaner and clearer when no makeup is used. (没有化妆的脸比较洁净和明晰.)

A face is cleaner when no cosmetic product is used.(没有用化妆品的脸更乾净.)

Without the use of cosmetic products,the face is more clean.(不使用化妆品,脸是更乾净.)

形容没有化妆的脸,其实也是在形容皮肤品质.英文形容脸部,都会用字来形容皮肤.所以以上第二条特意加了 "cleaner and clearer" 这个版本.

The face has no cosmetic is cleaner .

The faces without cosmetics are much clearer.
The faces that don't have the cosmetics' decoration are much clearer.
The faces which don't have the decoration of cosmetics are much clearer.

No cosmeticis cleaner than your face

A face is cleaner without make-up.