
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 22:21:45

香奈儿代表的是一种风格、一种历久弥新的独特风格”,Chanel女士如此形容自己的设计,不是不断思索接下来要做什么,而是自问要以何种方式表现,这么一来鼓动将永不停止.自信热情的Chanel女士将这股精神融入她的每一件设计,使Chanel成为相当具个人风格的品牌.无论是带有强烈男性元素的运动服饰(Jersey suit)、两件式的斜纹软呢套装(Tweed)、打破旧有价值观的人造珠宝、带有浓郁女性主义色彩的山茶花图腾,抑或是Marylin Monroe在床上唯一的穿着——Chanel No.5,Chanel屡屡挑战旧有体制创造出新的时尚.她最特别之处在于实用的华丽,她从生活周围撷取灵感,尤其是爱情.不像其他设计师要求别人配合他们的设计,Chanel提供了具有解放意义的自由和选择,将服装设计从男性观点为主的潮流转变成表现女性美感的自主舞台.抛弃了紧身束腰、鲸骨裙箍与长发,提倡肩背式皮包与织品套装,Coco Chanel一手主导了二十世纪前半叶女人的风格、姿态和生活方式,一种简单舒适的奢华新哲学,正如她生前所说:“华丽的反面不是贫穷,而是庸俗”.1971年1月,Coco Chanel去世,享年88岁.现任Chanel的主要设计师Karl Lagerfeld在1986年开始掌舵,他用新的手法演绎着细致、奢华、永不褪流行的Chanel精神.这位有着瑞典和德国血统、总是戴着黑色大墨镜的鬼才设计师最为人所称道之处正是他与Coco Chanel一样,充满才华却又流着离经叛道的血液.他在上任后的第一季就将长裙裙摆剪破,搭配鲜艳夸张的假珠宝首饰,震惊了整个时尚界,也将Chanel声势在这20年内推向另一个高峰.Chanel的设计带有鲜明的个人色彩,她追求自由但是眷恋男人;她强悍独立但是却有十足的女人味.她的老家——法国中部的Auvergne——是个充满死火山地形的贫苦地区,七十岁时她曾形容自己是“Auvergne唯一一座不灭的活火山”;如今,放眼新人辈出品牌繁复的流行产业,Chanel依然是时尚界一座永远不灭的活火山.

Chanel represents a style,a timeless style,Chanel lady describes herself in the design,not constantly thinking about what to do next,but to the manner in which the performance of ourselves that way encouraging will never stop.confidently share this passion,Ms.Chanel of her spirit into every design,Chanel become a very individual style of the brand.whether men with a strong element of the sports apparel (Jersey suit),two style tweed suit (Tweed),breaking the old values,costume jewelry,with a strong feminism camellia totem,or Marylin Monroe wore in bed only - Chanel No.5,Chanel often challenge the old system to create a new fashion.her most special thing about practical gorgeous,her inspiration from life around the acquisition,especially in love.Unlike other designers ask others to meet their design,Chanel offers a liberating sense of freedom and selection,the costume design trends from a male perspective into the performance-based independent female beauty arena.abandoned the tight waist,whale bone hoop skirt and long hair,to promote shoulder-style bag with fabric suit,Coco Chanel dominated the second-hand the first half of the tenth century woman of style,attitude and lifestyle,a new philosophy of simple luxury and comfortable,as she said,during his lifetime:"the opposite of beautiful is not poverty,but vulgar." January 1971,Coco Chanel died 88 years old.current Chanel designer Karl Lagerfeld in the major since 1986,at the helm,his way with the new interpretation of detailed,luxurious,and never faded spirit of the popular Chanel.The Swedish and German descent has always wearing a big black a downright genius designer sunglasses the most praiseworthy of the Department and he and Coco Chanel,full of talent but the blood flow of the deviant.He took office after the first quarter break will cut skirt dress,with bright fake exaggerated jewelry,stunned the fashion industry,will also be 20 years in this Chanel momentum towards another peak.Chanel's design with a distinctive personal touch,but the love of her pursuit of free men; her independence but there are full of powerful feminine .her home - in central France Auvergne - the terrain is full of extinct poor areas,seventy years old she had described himself as "Auvergne the only active volcano in an immortal"; now look brand new faces complex fashion industry,Chanel fashion is still an active volcano that will last forever.跟前面有些不一样的地方 一定对~我是美国学校的^_^

sorry, I don't know.

The Chanel represents a style, a timeless style ", Chanel lady describes himself in the design, not constantly thinking about what to do next, but to the manner in which the performance of ourselves t...


The Chanel represents a style, a timeless style ", Chanel lady describes himself in the design, not constantly thinking about what to do next, but to the manner in which the performance of ourselves that way encouraging will never stop. confidently share this passion, Ms. Chanel of her spirit into every design, Chanel become a very individual style of the brand. whether men with a strong element of the sports apparel (Jersey suit), two style tweed suit (Tweed), breaking the old values, costume jewelry, with a strong feminism camellia totem, or Marylin Monroe wore in bed only - Chanel No.5, Chanel often challenge the old system to create a new fashion. her most special thing about practical gorgeous, her inspiration from life around the acquisition, especially in love. Unlike other designers ask others to meet their design, Chanel offers a liberating sense of freedom and selection, the costume design trends from a male perspective into the performance-based independent female beauty arena. abandoned the tight waist, whale bone hoop skirt and long hair, to promote shoulder-style bag with fabric suit, Coco Chanel dominated the second-hand the first half of the tenth century woman of style, attitude and lifestyle, a new philosophy of simple luxury and comfortable, as she said, during his lifetime: "the opposite of beautiful is not poverty, but vulgar." January 1971, Coco Chanel died 88 years old. current Chanel designer Karl Lagerfeld in the major since 1986, at the helm, his way with the new interpretation of detailed, luxurious, and never faded spirit of the popular Chanel. The Swedish and German descent has always wearing a big black a downright genius designer sunglasses the most praiseworthy of the Department and he and Coco Chanel, full of talent but the blood flow of the deviant. He took office after the first quarter break will cut skirt dress, with bright fake exaggerated jewelry, stunned the fashion industry, will also be 20 years in this Chanel momentum towards another peak. Chanel's design with a distinctive personal touch, but the love of her pursuit of free men; her independence but there are full of powerful feminine . her home - in central France Auvergne - the terrain is full of extinct poor areas, seventy years old she had described himself as "Auvergne the only active volcano in an immortal"; now look brand new faces complex fashion industry, Chanel fashion is still an active volcano never be broken.


Chanel represents a style, a timeless style ", Chanel lady describes himself in the design, not constantly thinking about what to do next, but to the manner in which the performance of ourselves that ...


Chanel represents a style, a timeless style ", Chanel lady describes himself in the design, not constantly thinking about what to do next, but to the manner in which the performance of ourselves that way encouraging will never stop. confidently share this passion, Ms. Chanel of her spirit into every design, Chanel become a very individual style of the brand. whether men with a strong element of the sports apparel (Jersey suit), two style tweed suit (Tweed), breaking the old values, costume jewelry, with a strong feminism camellia totem, or Marylin Monroe wore in bed only - Chanel No.5, Chanel often challenge the old system to create a new fashion. her most special thing about practical gorgeous, her inspiration from life around the acquisition, especially in love. Unlike other designers ask others to meet their design, Chanel offers a liberating sense of freedom and selection, the costume design trends from a male perspective into the performance-based independent female beauty arena. abandoned the tight waist, whale bone hoop skirt and long hair, to promote shoulder-style bag with fabric suit, Coco Chanel dominated the second-hand the first half of the tenth century woman of style, attitude and lifestyle, a new philosophy of simple luxury and comfortable, as she said, during his lifetime: "the opposite of beautiful is not poverty, but vulgar." January 1971, Coco Chanel died 88 years old. current Chanel designer Karl Lagerfeld in the major since 1986, at the helm, his way with the new interpretation of detailed, luxurious, and never faded spirit of the popular Chanel. The Swedish and German descent has always wearing a big black a downright genius designer sunglasses the most praiseworthy of the Department and he and Coco Chanel, full of talent but the blood flow of the deviant. He took office after the first quarter break will cut skirt dress, with bright fake exaggerated jewelry, stunned the fashion industry, will also be 20 years in this Chanel momentum towards another peak. Chanel's design with a distinctive personal touch, but the love of her pursuit of free men; her independence but there are full of powerful feminine . her home - in central France Auvergne - the terrain is full of extinct poor areas, seventy years old she had described himself as "Auvergne the only active volcano in an immortal"; now look brand new faces complex fashion industry, Chanel fashion is still an active volcano never be broken.


Chanel is representative of a kind of style, a unique style "griselda, ms Chanel described his design, thus not constantly thinking what to do next, but ask yourself to in what way performance, thus i...


Chanel is representative of a kind of style, a unique style "griselda, ms Chanel described his design, thus not constantly thinking what to do next, but ask yourself to in what way performance, thus incited will never stop. Confident of ms Chanel enthusiasm will this spirit into her each piece of design, make a personal style Chanel become quite the brand. Whether with a strong male elements of the sports rainments (Jersey suit), two-piece the Tweed suit (Tweed), break the old values of the artificial jewelry, with strong feminist colorific camellia Marylin Monroe totem, or is in bed only wearing Chanel No. 5 - often challenge the old system, Chanel create new fashion. Her most special in the practical and luxuriant, her life around from ?
