求一些好听有意义的英文短语 至少3个单词组成越多越好

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 18:57:42

求一些好听有意义的英文短语 至少3个单词组成越多越好
求一些好听有意义的英文短语 至少3个单词组成

求一些好听有意义的英文短语 至少3个单词组成越多越好
Dream of the late已逝的梦
Singing in the clouds在云端唱歌
dream sound(梦幻之音)
iceandsnow love (冰雪之恋)
patron of the moon (月之守护)
Miraculous garden(奇迹花园)
Lunatic Devil(月色恶魔)
Is the friend or the spouse?是朋友还是爱人?
Likes you exceeding me 爱你胜过我自己
If I found the export,I could lead you to walk together
In love world,we are the fools 在爱情的世界里,我们都是傻瓜
A person,a city,the life is grieved 一个人,一座城,一生心痛
Every bullet has its billet 每颗子弹都有归宿(意指战场上中弹与否,全是所谓天命)
Every cloud has a silver lining 黑暗之中縂有一线光明
every nook and corner 每一个角落
give one's heart to sb.爱上某人
make the worst of 对……持悲观看法
mean all the world to sb.对某人说来是最重要的事
pass into silence 湮没在无声无息之中
take it or leave it 要麽接受要麽放弃,不容讨价还价

As busy as bee
as cool as cucumber
never give up
t walls have ears 隔墙有耳
compare apples and oranges没有可比性
once bitten,twice shy一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳
justice had long arms 天网恢恢,疏而不露

keep it up
don't give up
follow your dream

come into blossom 含苞待放
walk in the sunshine 走在阳光沐浴中
in the blues 忧郁
reach for the light 伸向光明
be blessed with 幸运地拥有
cherish the memory of 珍藏。。。的回忆
in a breeze 轻而易举
be passio...


come into blossom 含苞待放
walk in the sunshine 走在阳光沐浴中
in the blues 忧郁
reach for the light 伸向光明
be blessed with 幸运地拥有
cherish the memory of 珍藏。。。的回忆
in a breeze 轻而易举
be passionate about 对。。。充满激情
bubble over with joy 满心喜悦
be full of sentiment 多愁善感
