
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 21:54:33


In fact,we also want to assist you in completing the KT to be used in your products as soon as possible.
We’ve been following up almost every day with the engineer,requiring them to make a good design for your reference.
However,as far as the actual situation and reliability is concerned,this scheme is actually the best.
Despite a slight increase in cost,the unit price is almost the same as before,which is estimated at around 125 dollars each.
As a comparison,many parts are added while the unit price is increased by only 5 dollars.
As for the cheaper design as you mentioned,although the cost for mould development is cheaper,the costs for manufacture and loss rate are relatively higher.
As our engineers say,that design is recommended for interim use only,not for long-term use.
As for the cost of mould,we will discuss with you further in the meeting scheduled in June.

Actually, we did our best to complete the KT integration into your product. Our engineers were pressed for a better proposal everyday. However, in view of the practicalities and reliabilities require,...


Actually, we did our best to complete the KT integration into your product. Our engineers were pressed for a better proposal everyday. However, in view of the practicalities and reliabilities require, our current proposal should be considered the best. Eventhough it will cost a marginary higher, its unit cost will still be the same more or less, estimated to be around 125.00USD. There are so many parts added but the unit cost only up by 5.00USD.
The frame design which you mentioned was cheaper, though the mould developmet cost is cheaper, but the production cost and wastage will be relatively higher. And according to our engineers, that was only a temporary solution not meant for long term.
As for the tooling cost, we will discuss with you in the meeting in June in detail.


Actually,we wanna help you to make the KT you want for your present products.We almost push our engineers everyday to figure out some good plans for your reference.But with concern on the reality and...


Actually,we wanna help you to make the KT you want for your present products.We almost push our engineers everyday to figure out some good plans for your reference.But with concern on the reality and reliability,this plan is the best.Although the cost is a little more in contrast with previous plan,the unit price is almost the same which is about USD 125 each.In comparison,the price hike is just $5 with so many spares attached.
On the cheap frame design you talked about,the mold set cost is cheap,but the cost of making and the percent defective is much higher.Our engineers said that it's just for transition which isn't propriate for long term using.
About mold set cost,we will discuss with you during the meeting in June.


英语翻译其实我们也想尽快帮你完成你想要的KT用于你现在的产品.我们几乎是天天催工程师要求他们尽快设计出一些好的方案给你参考.然而根据实际情况和可靠性来讲,其实这套方案是算最 急,高分请问施瓦辛格英文Schwarzenegger怎么念?大家想尽一切办法表达出来 拼音也行Schwarzenegger 英语 bfic 你的回答不是我想要的。 英语翻译我借不上书,想尽快完成假期作业, 请问,越南语:我也想尽快和你见面,我也很想你呢~我正在努力学越南语,你也要加油学中文哦怎么写? 你想要几个的英语翻译 英语翻译[其实我想你多点主动找我的.我也需要你的关怀] “其实也无所谓,你爱咋咋的.” 英语翻译“我认为我们不应该总想着去快速完成一件复杂的事情,或许这对你来说太难了.其实,我们不该过份急切,放慢节奏,打好基础,这样你一定能走得更远.” 英语翻译有什么可以帮到你我建议你试穿一下这个好吗你想看看吗这是最低价对不起,我们这里不二价这是你惟一的机会你想买这种衬衫吗对不起,我们没有你想要的颜色你要检查吗你想要什 英语翻译:尽我们所能的帮你. 加入我们,我们帮你完成梦想.英语怎么说 英语翻译我们需要多少蜂蜜?完成英语翻译 ☆ 我们需要在原料里加一些奶酪 妈妈,我可以帮你切碎这些洋葱 汤姆帮我倒了一杯热水 别忘记明天把你的作业带到学校来 我们有的正是你想要的英文翻译 你想要和我们一起去吃晚饭吗?(英语翻译) 我想要你给我们讲笑话 英语翻译 快速 你想要带我们参观博物馆吗英语翻译 英语翻译:请问你想要什么样的项链? 他们是你想要的吗 英语翻译