有一例题不懂 This exercise is too difficult for anyone of us to do it.为什么改成any of us 就可以 原来错哪里顺便区分下anyone of us ,any of us ,any one of us的区别

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 04:02:13

有一例题不懂 This exercise is too difficult for anyone of us to do it.为什么改成any of us 就可以 原来错哪里顺便区分下anyone of us ,any of us ,any one of us的区别
有一例题不懂 This exercise is too difficult for anyone of us to do it.为什么改成any of us 就可以 原来错哪里
顺便区分下anyone of us ,any of us ,any one of us的区别

有一例题不懂 This exercise is too difficult for anyone of us to do it.为什么改成any of us 就可以 原来错哪里顺便区分下anyone of us ,any of us ,any one of us的区别
any one比anyone更强调“个别”的意味;anyone则含有“全体”、“毫无例外”之意.
至于any 与 any one,any既可以用于指代整体,也可以用于指代个体;显然any one是指代个体嘛
形容词 a.
He wanted a job,any sort of a job.
If there is any trouble,do let me know.
I haven't any money to spare.
Are there any letters for me?
Send me any data you can find.
代词 pron.
Richard is taller than any of us.
Give me some if there is/are any.
副词 ad.
Don't go any closer.

因为anyone 指任何人, 后接单数动词。
any one 指某些人或物中的任何一个,后面常接of
1. anyone仅指人,any one既可指人,也可指物。
Would anyone like a drink? 谁想喝一杯吗?
I don’t want to waste anyone’s time. 我不想浪费任何人的...


因为anyone 指任何人, 后接单数动词。
any one 指某些人或物中的任何一个,后面常接of
1. anyone仅指人,any one既可指人,也可指物。
Would anyone like a drink? 谁想喝一杯吗?
I don’t want to waste anyone’s time. 我不想浪费任何人的时间。
He told her not to tell anyone. 他告诉她不要告诉任何人。
Which pen do you want?—Any one will do. 你要哪支钢笔?——随便哪一支都行。
Any one who knows English can apply for the work. 任何会英语的人都可以申请这份工作。
2. anyone 后不能接表示范围的 of 短语,而any one 后可接表示范围的 of 短语。如:
I don't know any one of them. 他们中我一个也不认识。
Any one of our employees could be the informer. 我们的任何一位雇员都有可能成为告密者。
Parents should not show preference for any one of their children. 父母不应流露出对任何一个孩子的偏心。
3. anyone 不能用作定语修饰名语,而 any one 可以用作定语修饰名词。如:
You can borrow any one video at a time. 你一次可以借任何一盘录像带。
I can’t point to any one particular reason for it. 那件事我找不出具体原因来。
4. anyone 可以受形容词的修饰,且修饰语于anyone之后;而any one 很少受形容词的修饰,若语义上需要,应将修饰语置于any与one之间。如:
Did you see anyone else there? 你在那里看到其他的人吗?
Have you seen anyone [anybody] famous? 你见过名人吗?
Any red one will do. 任何一个红色的都可以。


有一例题不懂 This exercise is too difficult for anyone of us to do it.为什么改成any of us 就可以 原来错哪里顺便区分下anyone of us ,any of us ,any one of us的区别 例题二有问号地方不懂, 例题一 高一数学例题哪里有? She doesn't know the answer of this exercise.哪里错了?只有一处错误! 高一物理必修2经典例题、知识点、公式详细一点、例题最好有解析 指数函数经典例题高一指数函数例题,有详解GGJJ帮帮忙 请有详细的讲解,一小点例题和格式, 高一的政治经济学公式总结,有例题的最好. exercise有什么形式? This Is Not An Exercise 歌词 英语上有地方不懂对部分提问 1.Mr Green spends (100 yuan ) on this jacket 2.My mum's birthday is (on 7th October) 3.Daniel exercise (for forty minutes) every morning改为同义句 1.l want to see you vevy much 物理计算最大距离和最小距离怎么算?不懂...对了,除此之外,你们有什么好的例题可以看下的...因为我想看下例题,就是匀加速直线运动之类的例题... 数学应用题,利润问题我老是搞不懂,求解析,最好有公式,还有例题,拜托了~~ 数学选择题怎样用或与和总搞不懂他俩的区别,最好有例题.抱歉,是填空题 关于伯努利方程的应用,不懂~如题~课本上的例题~物理太笨看不懂~其中有两个打问号的地方就是不懂的地方~请指教~ this is good exercise 为什么不是this is a good exercise ? 最好有例题解析.