I was _____(想知道) whether you'd like to come to a patyI was _____(想知道) whether you'd like to come to a paty

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 20:20:02

I was _____(想知道) whether you'd like to come to a patyI was _____(想知道) whether you'd like to come to a paty
I was _____(想知道) whether you'd like to come to a paty
I was _____(想知道) whether you'd like to come to a paty

I was _____(想知道) whether you'd like to come to a patyI was _____(想知道) whether you'd like to come to a paty
I was _wondering____(想知道) whether you'd like to come to a paty

I was wondering..

I was wondering whether you'd like to come to a party.

按照国人的翻译说法 trying to know ... 要加省略号,国外的说法 wondering 表示一直持续或者某时突然产生的意识表达,多指询问人心理已经进行了答案的推敲,从而在征求和礼貌的询问对方时得到对方的结果和自己所要求的意见是相似的,那么在询问对方时自己也提前询问了自己的内心,从人类行为意识体现的方式来做决定,是通过持续的意识概念慢慢形成清晰的条件而确立的,所以可以用 试图去了解 ...


按照国人的翻译说法 trying to know ... 要加省略号,国外的说法 wondering 表示一直持续或者某时突然产生的意识表达,多指询问人心理已经进行了答案的推敲,从而在征求和礼貌的询问对方时得到对方的结果和自己所要求的意见是相似的,那么在询问对方时自己也提前询问了自己的内心,从人类行为意识体现的方式来做决定,是通过持续的意识概念慢慢形成清晰的条件而确立的,所以可以用 试图去了解 试图去挖掘 表达更深情意义上的 想知道 想了解 想认识 ,后面whether刚好是又是缓和语气,那么词句非常贴切,故应该两者都可表述 想知道,希望能够帮到你!


I was _____(想知道) whether you'd like to come to a patyI was _____(想知道) whether you'd like to come to a paty He was nervouns because I n______ his hands wHe was nervouns because I n______ his hands were shaking. 谢谢 英语选择合适的词填空或用适当形式填空I finished my homework just now .Let's get ____ (something/anything) to read .The film _____ (start) at 5 :00 p.m.,but it was 5 :30 p.m.when i got there .Jim _____ (forget) to close the window whe 8. The next morning, Dink wasn’t sure _____ the light was real or just a bad dream. A. that B. whe a story was told _____(I) It was in the factory_____my father worked.答案是whe... never thought I'd nead you there whe I cry. I was frightened when I heard the news同义句I was frightened _____/_____ _____ the news. I _____(learn) that song when I was in Beijing. 你能猜出他们的职业吗?(英语填空)1.I work _____ peopleand money.I count _____ ______ money every daym ,but it's not me.People _____ their money to me or get their money _____ me.What do I do?Where do I work?2.I wear a ____ uniform whe Last Saturday I was busy _____ my homework and my mother was busy _____ the housewok. i could swim when was 10 years old 同义句 I ____ _____ swim ____ _____ _____ _____ 10. i was so excited that i couldn't sleep at all(改写)i was _____excited_____ _____ _____ sleep I have been collecting stamps since I was 7.Now I am 12.(合并为一句)I _____ _____ collecting stamps _____ _____ _____. I _____ happy yesterday.I _____ sad doday. 用am,is,are,was和were填空 Was it last Friday ________ you met him A.that B.on which C.which D.whenWas it last Friday ________ you met him A.that B.on which C.which D.whenthat想知道为什么不能是 when 不能看做是定语从句吗 It was last Friday whe Mary was hard at _____ when I got home. I was very _____(sad) to hear that.