
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 17:38:58


Countries after 60 years ups also done something. Country is become?
5.12 earthquake, to wenchuan people brought disaster, but the Chinese nation unite as one, unity is strength, reflected the sons and daughters of the Chinese national spirit and the great strength of the Chinese nation. An earthquake fall down a building, shattered with financial difficulty of each family heart, but the shock is not the enthusiasm of the difficulties children breakthrough. In disaster relief and relief, I felt the Chinese people's unity, poetry.love, selflessness, fearless, big love as one of the great fai. Sixty years, China has a population of 1.3 billion the civilization of a harmonious family. In 1998, the south catastrophic floods and flooded many buildings and flooded many people, but not destroy the flooding the love of children; By the end of 2007, when the Spring Festival is coming, a massive snowstorm, obstruct the people come home, but the way of the Chinese people will not prevent disaster determination; I believe, no difficulty divided by 1.3 billion will become a little trouble, again small help multiplied by 1.3 billion will become the big support. Descendants will walk arm in arm, heart to heart, overcome all the difficulties.
The country is united, our country is strong, our country is strong. Today, we should have "for the rise of" learning and grand ambitions for the motherland should offer rich and strong. The lofty ambition, let us use all the intelligence and life blood to build our motherland! I want to say with one voice: the motherland, and I'm proud of you!
5.12地震,给汶川人民带来了灾难,但是中华民族万众一心,众志成城,体现了中华儿女的民族精神和中华民族的伟大力量.地震震倒了一座座楼房,震碎了一颗颗逝世者家人的心,却震不倒中华儿女突破重重困难的热情.在救灾和赈灾中,我感觉到了中国人民的团结,舍己救人,无私无畏,大爱无疆的伟大辉. 六十年来,中国这个拥有13亿人口的文明古国成为了一个和谐的大家庭.1998年,南方特大洪水,淹没了许多楼房,淹没了许多人民,却淹不灭中华儿女的爱心;2007年年底,当春节来临之际,一场突如其来的雪灾,阻碍了人们回家的道路,却阻碍不了中华儿女救灾的决心;我相信,再大的困难除以13亿,会变成小小的烦恼,再小的帮助乘以13亿,会变成大大的扶持.炎黄子孙会手挽手、心连心,克服一切困难!

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