
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 11:58:14


1.The boy that you met is our monitor.
2.She is the girl who went with me.
3.The book which I brought from you is missing.
4.This is the hotel that you want to live in.
5.He doesn't like the idea which was made by his mather.
6.Which is the bike that you have lost?
7.I see the girl who has lose the bag.
8.This is all that I know.

1 The boy you meet yesteday is our headmaster.
2 Shi is the gril who go with me.
3 The book I browwer from you is lost.
4 This is the hotel you will live.
5 He does not like the idear that his mother think.
6 Which one is the bike you lose.
7 I see the gril who lose her bag.
8 This is all I know.

1. The guy/boy that you came across yesterday is our class monitor.
2. She was indeed the girl whom I went with.
3. The book that I borrowed from you was lost.
4. This is the hotel that yo...


1. The guy/boy that you came across yesterday is our class monitor.
2. She was indeed the girl whom I went with.
3. The book that I borrowed from you was lost.
4. This is the hotel that you are going to stay.
5. He dislikes the idea of mother's.
6. Which one is the bicycle you have lost?
7. I saw that girl who has misplaced the handbag.
8. That is all that I know.


the boy you met yesterday is our monitor.
she is the girl whom I went with.
I lost the book which I borrowed from you.
this is the restaurant you want to live in.
He dislikes the idea which his mother put forward.
which is the bicycle you lost?
I saw the girl who lost her hag.
this is all I know.

The boy you met yesterday is our class master

英语翻译1.昨天你碰到的那个男孩是我们的班长.2.她就是和我一起去的那个女孩.3.我从你那借的书丢了.4.这就是你要住的那个旅馆.5.他不喜欢妈妈的那个主意.6.哪一个是你丢了的那辆自行车?7 英语翻译1.我喜欢你昨天给我的礼物2.这就是昨天来的那个男孩明天要交的、、谢谢啦·(是定语从句哦, 英语翻译1.昨天借给我这本书的那个男孩是汤姆的兄弟 英语翻译以下句子用定语从句啊~1.玛丽丢了她上周买的那本书.2.英语说的很好的那个女孩来自纽约.3.迈克昨天看到的那部电影很有趣.4.你认识正在看报的那个男孩吗?5.那是我们都感兴趣的话 英语翻译1.我正在读一本关于比尔盖茨的书.2.你昨天买的那个钢笔在哪?3.那是我从来没有实现的梦想.4.地上放着的那本书是我的.5.打坏窗户的那个男孩叫汤姆.6.这是上次你打扫过的房间.7.他 1.是汤姆打破窗户的.2.我昨天在街上碰到了我最好的朋友 英语翻译 英语翻译1.戴帽子的那个男孩是我弟弟2.那个女孩用的书是我的3.那个长的像猴子的同学很友好4.我们昨天看到的年轻男子是周杰伦5.这个就是我喜欢的那张卡片 他昨天意外碰到了他的老朋友(英语翻译) 英语翻译1.我最敬佩的人是我的朋友汤姆 admire 2.他忙于搜集有关春节起源的信息 gather 3.昨天老师给那个男孩颁奖award 4.那些动物只能等着饿死 starve 英语翻译1.我们昨天见到的那个科学家是全世界文明的科学家.2.他是我迄今为止合作过的所有人中最友善的一个.3.这双球鞋是我最喜欢的那一双.4.昨天我们在街上碰到的那个小男孩今天取得 英语翻译毛衣么?4.那个正在与我母亲谈话的人是我的父亲5.我会告诉你所有我所知道的6.刚才我一起玩耍的那个男孩是3班的7.昨天你在街上见到的女孩是Mary. 那个男孩第一次认真的英语翻译怎么说 (英语翻译) 教室里的那个男孩是谁? 英语翻译注意:写时要用定语从句...1.昨天被表扬的那个男孩是我的弟弟2.我不知道他昨天讲的那个故事3.他们正谈论的那个人是个工程师4.妹妹喜欢头是红色的那只鸟5.包被偷了的那个女士报 英语翻译101.他的朋友在一个刮风的早晨离开北京前往纽约.(leave……for……)102.“Titanic”是我看过的最激动人心的电影之一.103.这正是他要找的磁带.104.这就是我们昨天谈起的那个男孩.105. 英语翻译:昨天你说的名字是对的 英语翻译昨天我在校门口见的那个人是我的英语老师.我正在等穿红色外套的那个男孩.姐姐上个星期给我买的那本词典很贵.这就是爸爸曾经住过的房子. 用定语从句做 1这就是我昨天遇见的那个男孩 2他们想要看一下你正在照顾的老人 3这些是我在那家书店买的书