这个句子怎么这么难!The visitors want to stay an the hotel( )they visited last timeA:where B:at thatC:which D:at which这还没完 下一题是一样的问题 但是答案不一样了 暂且设定为问题二A:where B:whenC:what D:whi

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 07:07:03

这个句子怎么这么难!The visitors want to stay an the hotel( )they visited last timeA:where B:at thatC:which D:at which这还没完 下一题是一样的问题 但是答案不一样了 暂且设定为问题二A:where B:whenC:what D:whi
这个句子怎么这么难!The visitors want to stay an the hotel( )they visited last time
A:where B:at that
C:which D:at which
这还没完 下一题是一样的问题 但是答案不一样了 暂且设定为问题二
A:where B:when
C:what D:which

这个句子怎么这么难!The visitors want to stay an the hotel( )they visited last timeA:where B:at thatC:which D:at which这还没完 下一题是一样的问题 但是答案不一样了 暂且设定为问题二A:where B:whenC:what D:whi
The visitors want to stay an the hotel( )they visited last time
这是一个定语从句 hotel为先行词 作visit的宾语
至于你说的问题二 句子肯定与上面那个有点差别 你仔细看题.

c 做visit的宾语

这是一个定语从句,先行词hotel, visit+地名,这里要用关系代词which


Being fully in the moment. Being fully human and fully adv.充分地, 完全地present. n.现在 这个句子怎么这么难理解呀!being? fully? 有谁可以给我讲解一下?adv+ in the time i wanted to with my daughter ,这个句子这么分析,定语从句,怎么to 和with直接连起来了 THE STRANGER WITHIN 这个句子怎么翻译? 英语这个句子怎么这么奇怪啊,分析下The polluted air made Mr.Guzman feel as if he were smothering.说下这个句子的时态,以及为什么这样造?以及as 和 made , to achieve the major part of the work on or before 90 days of the notice这么句子怎么翻译,另外这个of是做所有格用,还是仅仅是一个描写. what a beautiful 这个句子这么填? 英语 这个句子这么写对吗 The sun rises in the rest 这个句子怎么解释? When asked ____they needed most,the kids said they wanted to feel important and lovedA what Bwhy Cwhom Dwhich1首先这个句子翻译不出来`2这个MOST 怎么这么放啊?做副词?3那就是不会做了```` 请注意place at the disposal of我看不懂的地方查了字典还是看不懂,怎么就这么难呢,学个英语,把我给累得哟,请大家好好看看怎么解释这个句子,特别是place at the disposal ofthere was accordingly no alternativ my favorite fruit is apples 这个句子怎么这么别扭呢.apples表示一类事物,但是怎么又用is 这个句子怎么这么难!The visitors want to stay an the hotel( )they visited last timeA:where B:at thatC:which D:at which这还没完 下一题是一样的问题 但是答案不一样了 暂且设定为问题二A:where B:whenC:what D:whi 怎么这么伤感的英语句子 For them,love,like the sun,has not full,dawned.为什么这个句子要剁得这么散? half way down the 这个是路标,怎么都翻译的这么优美 英语翻译The dispite in which outsiders were held is legendary.怎么翻译比较恰当呢?这么理解可以吗?------“这些局外人忍受的蔑视是传奇性的.”更正:despite这个句子没有上下文,只是查despite后面跟的 walking are wrong you way the这个句子怎么排? his head down against the wind 这个 句子怎么分析?