he is in____great trouble .the或不填 哪个?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 09:14:08

he is in____great trouble .the或不填 哪个?
he is in____great trouble .the或不填 哪个?

he is in____great trouble .the或不填 哪个?
不填 .in、at等跟名词,例如 at home 你不会写at the home

in troubkle 这是固定搭配 意为 陷入麻烦


he is in____great trouble .the或不填 哪个? TR 连词成句:is He going take to a next tr连词成句:is He going take to a next trip week ( .) the cat on the tr ee is big哪不对 判断下列是什么从句,并说明原因I asked why he was so late .What you said is right?Tell me what you are good at.The man who I saw is called Mr.Smith.Where is the book which I bought this morning?He fighted me because I was new.It's tr TR是什么意思 tr是什么意思 he is he is he is he is 英语翻译Judgment.It is time for the seeker to look back and evaluate his or her life or a phase in life.This card represents closure and a sense of summing up what he or she has achieved during the phase that is ending.It is a card of powerful tr 寻求英语答案一、选择题(每题1分,共20题)Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.1 He is no longer ____ his study,so he often daydreams in class.A) tired of B) sick ofC) bored with D) interested in2 Sandy will ____ at the tr death of a salesman 的作文,要把作文的水平改到一个LEVEL,请大家帮下忙吧.完了后会加分的,The main character,Willy Loman,in Death of A Salesman by Arthur Miller is lost him self in a warped vision of the American Dream.He is tr he went to american to learn some english as well as to travel 为什么是to tr 用所给词的适当形式填空.(看详细提问)1、________(not)you want to come with us 2、I________(mail)the letter last week.Haven't you got it?3、________(not)I tell you to be quick?4、He is tying to ________(help)the elder.5、I am tr (1)he innovatively put forward an idea that replacing the feedback loop with two current mirrors.这里的replacing用得对不对?(2)As the amount of data obtained from mobile phones,which is functioned as the information to determine the tr 选择填空.谁帮我看下我做的对不?急哦,1.______is gold and ________ id white.我选 AA.Winteri,fall B.Fall,winter C.Snmmer,winter2.Tom id my uncles son,he is my_______.我选 AA.brother B.sister C.cousin3.The little girl can_______the tr