you are sure to do well in english.Keep trying hard ,good gild.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 10:30:06

you are sure to do well in english.Keep trying hard ,good gild.
you are sure to do well in english.Keep trying hard ,good gild.

you are sure to do well in english.Keep trying hard ,good gild.

Chip in 捐款 Do you mind if I wash up? 你介意我去洗手间吗? Go for 选择,袭击 I have to keep my schedule. 我必须遵守时间。 Words get


英语语法问题 be sure to do用法you are almost sure to get it这个be sure to do 中的 to do 是不定式短语作 sure的宾语吗?难道to do 是不定式短语作 sure的状语 are you sure you can do it 是are you sure 还是do you sure为什么 为什么说are you sure 而非do you sure Are you sure you didn't do anything to this?用He asked变间接引语 You are sure to fail if you do it that way.(改为同义句) if you do like this f___some time,you are sure to learn b___ 不定式的If you do what you are not ______,you ______ punished.A.allowed to;are sure to beB.allowed doing;are sure to beC.allowed to do;are sure you will beD.allowed to;are sure of being我想知道为什么allowed to后面为什么不加do构成 英语翻译practice more and you will do better next timeyou are sure to have more fun you are sure to do well in english.Keep trying hard ,good gild. iam glad to hear you.itis good to ask for help when you are not sure what to do. Are you sure to remove ?是什么意思 Are you make sure that you can do it? 是什么意思? 英语翻译Many people find that it's helpful to make a study plan.First you should make a list of the things you need to study.If you're not sure what these are,it will help if you do a practice test and give it to a teacher to mark.From this you w Are you _ the answer to the question?A.sure B.sure to be C.sure to D.sure of 根据首字母提示及对话内容,在横线上填上合适的词语A:HI,JOHN.DO.YOU.WANT TO GO TO A MOVIE WITH ME?B:R【 SURE.I O【 】SEE MOVIE WITH MY PARENTS.DO YOU LIKE THRILLERS?A:NO,THEY ARE E【 】.B:I THINK THEY ARE E【 】.THEN W what can you do to make sure all your relatives and friends are on the guest list for your party Like a baby,youshuold only get angry if you are sure it is the right thing to do的翻译